Today is the official release date for Everyday Paleo! I am grateful, excited, and humbled beyond words as I have witnessed the response to my book over the last couple of weeks. I have enjoyed every minute of writing and creating Everyday Paleo and I have you, my awesome readers, and of course my family to thank for being my constant support, encouragement and motivation!! Thank you all again so very much, and if you haven’t yet, please check out Everyday Paleo on Amazon and watch the video preview. Also, you still have time to enter to win several amazing prizes! Click here to learn more!
Sarah Fragoso
Sarah Fragoso is an international best selling author of 6 books, co-owner of the Chico, CA based gym JS Strength and Conditioning, and founder of the Everyday Paleo franchise. Sarah is the co-host of the popular Sarah and Dr. Brooke Show podcast and she also conducts workshops and retreats on the subjects of nutrition, lifestyle and fitness.
Her message is from the heart and she carries a genuine desire to help other families looking for guidance. These attributes have contributed to her successes and provide the drive to keep the discoveries coming.
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Congratulations Sarah =)
I got your book on Saturday and have already devoured it! Thank you so much. I am not sure where to post this and am not even sure you can help me, but at this point I do not know where else to turn. My family has been paleo since January. I have been at it a little longer than that. We are not always 100% but strive to be so on a daily basis. Here is my problem that I think others struggle with but everyone is to embarrassed to put it out there and seek help. My daughter is an active overweight child. In fact, at ten she is seventy pounds overweight and is considered obese. She plays soccer, skis, plays tennis, does Tae Kwon Do and would do every crossfit work out if she was allowed into the gym. We went to the doctors today and she has managed to gain eight pounds in the last four months we have been eating paleo. The doctor has had very little useful advice over the six years we have worked on this. Everything we have tried, including turning off the tv for two years, not drinking any juice, no fast food and going to non-fat milk has produced the same results: weight gain. There has to be something else going on that I am either ignoring or am oblivious to. Any advice or any place you can send me where others are going through the same thing?
Hi Elizabeth,
My first thought is to ask if you have cut out all dairy products. I saw you mentioned non-fat milk but I can’t tell from your comment if you are still giving this to her or not? Another suggestion would be to limit the fruit and starchy carbs like sweet potatoes. There are so many things that I don’t know about your situation it’s really hard for me to guess. I’m going to send you an email. : ) Hang in there!
Congratulations! I want to buy the book today…will it be in bookstores such as Barnes and Noble? Would rather buy it today than wait for it to come in the mail…thanks!
Yes it will be in most Barnes & Nobles, Borders and other major book sellers! : )
YAY! can’t wait to get my copy. I pre-ordered it over a month ago and Amazon is telling me it will be here on the 27th! yay!
i picked this up at borders on friday…is that even possible?
DEVOURED it and am so inspired. congratulations on a truly great book.
Thank you Jenny!! So glad you like the book!!
I ordered your book on Amazon at the beginning of April. I’m so glad the release date is finally here so I can get my copy in hand and cook up a storm!
LOVE THE BOOK!!! Love the section on kids/family! Can’t wait to see you when you come to the East coast.
Hey Sarah-
I am so excited to receive my copy and bummed out because it says it’s not arriving til May 10-12th! I have been anxiously awaiting and reading everyones great comments about it.
Thanks for the great recipes and lots of advice on families that are paleo.
Well I am kinda bummed…. I pre-ordered my book a while ago and it is telling me that it won’t arrive until MAY!!! I was so excited to get your book but it looks like I have to wait a couple more weeks 🙁
Update…I ordered it on April 1st….
Same thing with me. I ordered it the day it was available for pre-order from Amazon, and now won’t get it until May 12. Well, I cancelled the Amazon order, and am going to buy it today at B&N, even though it will cost almost twice as much!
I am so bummed! I pre-ordered mine a few weeks ago and just got an email saying it won’t be here till mid-May! Why! I was looking forward to mine……….le sigh
I ordered mine mid march and got the same email…GRR!!!!
I am about ready to cancel it and go pick it up at Barnes 😉
Methinks that’s a fantastic idea
Aw, man! My copy of the book is delayed also. *grumble*
As disappointed as I am in this, I am hoping that this means that the overwhelming demand for the book has created a shortage but will also result in getting on the NYT best seller list! *crossing my fingers for you!*
All the best,
**updated to add: I just got a message saying my order is being prepared for shipping. Woot!
I ordered from amazon on the 11th and they also sent me a delay email this morning. My mom is kindly out hunting down a copy for me at barnes and noble right now because all the great reviews and comments have me impatient!! I would recommend calling B&N before heading over there, though. The store closest to my house says they won’t carry it but was able to tell me which location would!
I ordered in March and got the same email this morning stating it wont arrive until May 12. I am so disappointed with amazon right now! Happy the book is selling well for you Sarah but so sad that those that pre-ordered are getting put at the end of the line. I am trying to find locally in Salem, OR and all the stores are telling me sold out already!
Boo… same here! I’m tempted to run to the book store, but I know I should just be patient until it comes in May. My family has been ‘grey-area’ Paleo for a while, no grain, no refined sugar, no processed foods, but I just started on the 30 day challenge and had hoped to have some inspiration and additional tools… I’m really hoping Amazon is over-estimating time frame and we are able to get our copies sooner!!
Gah! Amazon just e-mailed me and said that my copy won’t be here until May 12! I am reserving a copy at my local B&N so that I can bring it to this week’s book signing in Chico!
I ordered from Amazon too and received my e-mail this morning saying that the book wouldn’t be delivered until the middle of next month. I cancelled the order and placed one with Barnes and Noble. It is in stock and will be shipped within 24 hours! I live over an hour away from a bookstore and I’m not waiting until mid-May! :D. WooHoo! Can’t wait to finally read it!
When is the iBooks release?
Well, I bought your book yesterday, ‘devoured’ it, and then today… pulled it apart. Literally, but carefully! 🙂 It’s now 3-hole punched and in a binder for easier use. This way, I can more easily copy the meal lists and grocery lists, pull out the exercises and lay them out on my floor, etc. Love the format, the recipes look great, and the information is presented in wonderful, non-nonsense, simple language. Because I NEED simple! Thanks very much.
Well I am glad everyone got their books. I preordered mine months ago and I received an email from Amazon that it will not be available until May 11th. I have waited for two months, I guess I can wait another couple of weeks. Can’t wait to get it.
Well, I guess I should have read the rest of the comments. Looks like a few of us didn’t get it. Good thing for you Sarah, you book is selling like ‘hotcakes.’ Paleo hotcakes of course.
I ordered your book about a week ago I think and I got it in th email yesterady! Such a nice suprise after a brutal day 🙂 My 3 year old was possibly more excited than I was. She wanted to try all the exercises your boys were doing and then we had to try the partner pushups! (You can imagine what those looked like!)
She is in a Crossfit toddlers program and just loves it and we have been following paleo since you started your blog. I really notice a difference when she gets even a minimal amount of sugar.
Excited to start making some of your recipes, the pictures look wonderful!
Oh yes and I’m ordering 3 more for my Mom and sisters!
Got mine a few days ago. Very well done! Love how much of your personal story you share. Very inspiring. Already ear marked some recipes I’m going to try this week 🙂
Thank you Yvette!
I had originally found your website through the foodee project, when they featured your Chile Verde, which by the way my entire family loves. I had lost about 50lbs through diet and exercise, I crossfit on my own, but would like to see the abs defined again. I was just dabbling in paleo eating, but had really just started to clean my diet up. I found out that you were putting a book out, and that it would have a 30 day meal plan (huge for me & wife), so I ordered the book on a Friday, from Amazon, and had it waiting for me the following Tuesday when I got home. I opened it right up, and had the first “book” portion read very quickly. All of the recipes look great as well, can’t wait to try them all.
I’m now just about through week 1 of the 30 day meal plan, and so far I am very pleased. But, just an FYI for everyone, if you are going to use the meal plan and shopping guide, you should still verify that you are buying everything needed to make the recipes. Since I have noticed that there are a few things missing from the shopping list that I needed for a couple of things. It wasn’t a big deal, from what I can remember, it was a jalapeño and a mango.
Thanks again for putting out a book that has a meal plan for a noob to follow to clean up his and his families diet. After I finish the 30 days, I’ll see how I’m doing on the meal planning, otherwise I was thinking about trying Paleo Plan.
Hi Sarah,
We finally got our book close to 2 weeks ago from Amazon. I have to say… ROCKS! Great job!
My wife, who is a foodie and a home-chef (read: amazing cook….better than most restaurants), LOVES it. She has been cooking out of it exclusively and feels great! The recipes are so delicious, and simple to prepare. She already wants a second cookbook from you.
I’ve been recommending the cookbook to all of my patients. I’ll let you know how they like it.
This book is probably the easiest way for someone to jump right in and start eating in a way that is consistent with losing weight, gaining muscle, correcting hormonal imbalances in insulin as well as the sex hormones, and improving energy levels.
Keep up the great work!
Bhavesh Patel, MD
Cenegenics Chicago
I just wanted to say that I purchased your book today and read it cover to cover (well, almost….except the paleo kids section, because I have no kids…hee-hee). This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. A food lover myself and a critic to say the least, your recipes look amazing. I cannot wait to try them!! So many cookbooks out there that focus on fruits and veggies as your “carb” can be soooo boring and I like PIZAZZ!! Hats off to your for your great effort, thank your kids and friends for their wonderful contributions (especially the bugs in a boat), and I wish you and your family the best and continued health and success. I know your mom is TRULY proud of you 🙂
First recipe I will try……MEAT CANDY!! (Can you hear my evil laugh…..hee-hee)
Frisco Crossfit Member