
Better Everyday Podcast | Dr Heather Paulson

Better Everyday #90 Cancer Proof with Dr Heather Paulson


In this episode we had naturopathic oncologist Dr Heather Paulson to talk about breast cancer screening and alleviate the fear so many women feel around cancer – of all types – but specifically our unique risks and concerns with breast cancer. We also talked about Dr Paulson’s GREAT Life protocol for living a cancer proof life in 5 easy steps.


Learn more about Dr Paulson’s book Cancer Proof and join her free community here.

Sponsors of this episode are our fav adaptogen drink Four Sigmatic. You can get 15% off using code “bettereveryday” at checkout.


AND as a gift to our listeners you can get started with Butcher Box right now and get $15 off your first order AND free bacon! While you’re at it visit Dry Farm Wines and have some organic, low sugar, hang-over free wine sent over as well (and get a bottle for a penny with this link).


As always email your show topics, suggested guests or questions you want answered to bettereverydaypodcast@gmail.com


For more about working with Dr Brooke at betterbydrbrooke.com and with Sarah at sarahfragoso.com (obviously). Oh and you can find Dr Brooke and Sarah on Instagram as well. The podcast is on IG now too! Loving the show? Please give us a review over at iTunes! We would be so grateful for you taking the time to leave us a little love.




Sarah Fragoso

Sarah Fragoso is an international best selling author of 6 books, co-owner of the Chico, CA based gym JS Strength and Conditioning, and founder of the Everyday Paleo franchise. Sarah is the co-host of the popular Sarah and Dr. Brooke Show podcast and she also conducts workshops and retreats on the subjects of nutrition, lifestyle and fitness.

Her message is from the heart and she carries a genuine desire to help other families looking for guidance. These attributes have contributed to her successes and provide the drive to keep the discoveries coming.

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