Thank you so much to everyone who came out to Barnes & Noble in Chico last night for my first book signing with Robb Wolf!! I have to admit, I was so incredibly nervous. More nervous than when I spoke in front of 168 people at out local hospital, more nervous than when I spoke to a room full of Navy Seals who happen to be a fairly intimidating group of folks, and even more nervous than when Chrissy and I recently put on our very first Paleo Talk Seminar.
I was nervous because I was in my home town surrounded by my peers, standing next to my paleo mentor and dear friend Robb Wolf whom I feel as if I’m barely qualified to sit next to much less sign my book next to! I was nervous because as I looked out into the audience I saw a group of people who trust me, who want to hear what I had to say, and who had took the time to not only purchase my book but to show up and support me while all I was feeling was an enormous amount of gratitude and love. Furthermore, my husband and boys were in the audience which makes me cry a I type. Those boys are my rocks, my heroes, my family. They have truly carried me through this project, tasted every meal that I have made, read every word that I have written (except for Rowan of course), honestly critiqued, edited, and contributed to the content and recipes, and my sweet husband even photographed every recipe. I stood there last night wanting to scream, this is not my doing, this was truly a gift from my blog readers who gave me the ideas of what I wanted to write about and a gift from my publisher who allowed me to turn my vision into a reality and a gift from my amazing husband and boys who are truly the most supportive people that I am so blessed to have fill my life with love, warmth, and joy. So, with all that being said, thank you so much to everyone for your continued support, comments, critiques and willingness to share your lives with me. I promise now that the release week is over you will see more recipes and blogging from me! Thanks again my dear readers, thank you Robb Wolf, thank you Dain for making this whole thing run along without any major hiccups, thank you wonderful family, and thank you friends! I hope you enjoy the pictures!
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You are paying it all forward a million times over with the lives you touch- what a blessing to all of your fans and readers to have you to share information and experiences with them. Congrats to you and your family on this well-deserved success!!!
Much love.
Diane 🙂
Thank Diane!!
Wish I could have been there. Both you and Robb have touched me, changed my my life, and changed my family, with your books. I have had my copy now for 3 days and I can’t put it down, keep re-reading sections. You did a great job on this, you and your family!
Thank you Amanda!!
I didn’t realize that you were nervous, you were great! I loved it. It was informative and from the heart. You really showed up powerfully and professionally (and your shoes were cute too – I forgot to tell you). It was great to meet you and see your beautiful family in person.
I bought another book there for you to sign, even though I am waiting for the amazon one. The book is really great. Your intro made me cry, and was very compelling. I read Everyday Paleo almost completely when I got home, interrupting my husbands video game with all the oohs! and Yummy! to show him the wonderful food pictures.
It was also nice to see people just like me who had just started paleo. We shared tips. It makes me want to start a paleo meet-up group!
Anyway, Sarah, thank you for everything, this blog, the cookbook, being who you are and sharing yourself with us. I can honestly say that you have helped make our lives better in so many ways.
Wow, thank you so much for your comment Tanya and it was great to meet you! I’m so glad you are enjoying the book. : )
Cool! Almost wish I lived near Chico so I could have gotten my books signed by my two favorite Paleo Diet “rockstars”. Just got my copy in the mail this morning. Even better than I expected, and I knew it would be awesome. It’s just as essential as Robb’s book, and compliments it perfectly. 🙂 You’re a real inspiration, not just to moms, but even single guys like me. Thanks for everything you do!
You are absolutely qualified to sit next to Robb, as you have helped so many apply Paleo to their lives, no matter what their circumstances. Robb is right, there are really “no excuses” for anyone now. You have given so much to others, it’s no surprise you have gotten so much in return. Best wishes to you and your family. 🙂
Thank you so so much EJ! : )
Well, from the pics you look as poised and confident as can be! I’m excited that Amazon has finally shipped my copy and I look forward to all the great recipes, but after seeing the video on Amazon (I tried to leave a comment but it wouldn’t let me) what I am really looking forward to is your workout routines. I had assumed that you were always as fit and trim as your header pic!
I want to thank you too Sarah. When I asked about sharing some of your recipes on Chowstalker, you were so kind and generous even though you didn’t know me from Adam. But I hope I get to meet you at AHS! 🙂
Thank you so much and I hope I get to meet you there too!! : )
Darn it. I’m so bummed I missed it. WEB are you having another? I’m sure you did a wonderful are so real and honest with everything that it makes others feel ok when they have a slip up or something. Judy one of the many reasons why people listen and follow you. You are doing an amazing job, be proud of yourself.
Thank you Stacy! Not sure when my next signing will be but I’ll keep you posted!
Just got your book this week and I will be referring to some of the recipes on my 31 Days of Primality page on my blog (I’m not going to post the recipes, just refer to your link on my page, so readers will go out and buy the book). I love the week-to-week shopping lists and menu suggestions. I plan to incorporate some other paleo/primal recipe books as well in my 31 day posting, but I think your recipes look wonderful and they will feature prominently. I made the egg cupcakes this morning and they were a hit with my husband and college-age daughter. I made 18, so I hope they last me through the week for breakfast. Congratulations on a job well done!
Thank you so much Laurie!
You are a ginormous inspiration! You look like you had an absolute blast. We need people like you to continue on with spreading the primal/paleo word. And, we need more of these type of people. I am becoming one of them. Many have inspired me including you! I purchased my book on Amazon and it should arrive on Tuesday. I can’t wait to dive in!
Thank you so much Primal Toad! I hope you enjoy the book!
You continue to inspire me to stay on track, Sarah. You look gorgeous, but it’s a truly healthy glow gorgeous that I long for! I bought your book last week and did my grocery shopping for the week yesterday. I can NOT tell you how wonderful it was to have a list already prepared for me. I have been Paleo since January, but have planned out my meals every week, which, as you know takes a lot of time for a family of five! I was in and out of my grocery store in about 45 minutes and I have everything I need for the entire week. I prepared the first meal last night (pecan crusted chicken- YUM!!!!) and it was a huge hit with the whole family. I made a huge salad with avocado and sliced the leftover chicken on top for lunch today. Again- a huge hit. I was starting to burn out a bit so I’m so happy for the inspiration that is the book “Everyday Paleo.”
Thank you so much Erin and I’m so glad you are enjoying the book!
Hello from New Jersey! I’m a blog reader/ podcast listener and now new book reader. Your book is gorgeous, inspiring and informative. You have done such a great job and you should be so proud of yourself! I look forward to following your career for many years to come!
Thanks so much Stephanie!
LOVE the book. I’ve had it for a few weeks (got it early from Amazon) and can’t say enough good things about it. I was wondering if you could recommend a specific pressure cooker (and a specific size!).
Thank you Sara! I love my Fagor pressure cooker and I have the 6qt. Here’s a link to it on my Amazon store for you to take a look at!
Looks like you had a great turn out. I can’t wait to get your book! They can’t ship it fast enough.
Hope you got your book by now! : )
Congratulations, Sarah! You deserve much success for all your hard work and perserverance. I look forward to what you come up with next.
Thank you so much Sandy! : )
Hello Sarah
I just wanted to say that I got you book last week!! It made it all the way here to southwestern Ontario. Your website has been like the missing piece of the puzzle for me. Robb’s book is the why and and your book is the how. I have made many of your recipes on your site and now I’ll be adding recipes from your book. The recipes and easy, tasty and the kids love them. Thanks so much for putting your heart and soul out there and not to mention your recipes!
Really enjoying the podcasts too.
Thank you so much Heather, so glad you got your book!
It was awesome to see you and Robb on Friday! Totally worth the drive from Sac. You didn’t look nervous at all. You looked confident! I love, love love the book and in fact I made several of the recipes this weekend. I just can’t stop! My family has loved everything so far. Yay!
I made the Curry Caulifower, the Puerto Rican Beef, Wild Salmon Salad, and Paleo Apple Muffins. I love how fast and easy the recipes are, and can’t wait to dig into the great workouts in the back and tips for getting the kiddos involved.
You are an inspiration to this mom, and already my husband is beginning to know who I am talking about when I say, “Sarah has a recipe for this yummy chicken”. 🙂
Angela from Sacramento
Hi Angela! Thank you so much for coming all the way from Sac to see me! It was wonderful to meet you. Thank you so much for your kind comment and keep in touch!
Hi Sarah,
I may be the first person in Southern Manitoba, Canada to get your book. (The day the first shipment of 4 came in last Thursday)
I bought it, wrote a small paragraph in it for my wife about how I want to live well and old with her.
She read it and went through the recipes before I had a chance to even look at it. She decided that starting Monday (today) that we would start our 30 day paleo challenge.
After months of bugging her to look at paleo and think about excercising I am excited to say we are starting together (the diet portion anyways) She is still hesitent to work out but with your workout guide she promised she would try to do some work outs at home. She doesnt want to work out in front of anyone (even me) Anyway the reason for my long rambling is to thank you for your big colorful book with great pictures to motivate my wife to give this thing a shot.
Keep up the great work.
From the great white north
So wonderful to her Brenden!! Please keep me posted on how things continue to go for you both. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sarah –
I ordered your book from last week. It should be here on Wed and I can’t wait to read it. I’m specifically interested in introducing Paleo to the rest of my family. I was introduced to the Paleo diet through “Marks Daily Apple” several months ago and love the concept. However, I see that eggs are a HUGE staple in this lifestyle. I can not eat eggs. I can but the consequences far out weight the benefits. LOL! What suggestions would you have for “different” breakfast ideas? Secondly, is quinoa a “no no” in this lifestyle? Thank you for your time. ~Melissa ~
Hi Melissa,
I often eat leftovers from dinner for breakfast! Also, chicken sausages with spinach is another favorite of mine. Lots of options without eggs, just have to think outside of the normal “breakfast box!” As long as you have some protein, veggies, and fat you are good to go, for any meal of the day! I do not recommend eating quinoa. Here’s a link to one of Robb Wolf’s podcasts in which he goes into detail as to why we should avoid quinoa.
Hope that helps!
: )
Thank you Sara for a wonderful book! I found your story so inspiring…you moved me to tears. You are the mama that I am aspiring to be like. I am in Edmonton, Canada and my best girlfriend and I have been transitioning our families over to a paleo diet for the last two months. I am going to have to buy a copy of your book for her! It is just WONDERFUL!
I have had success (ie with the picky 7 year old) with almost every recipe I have tried from your book and website. The garden meatballs I needed to grate the veg finer and he would have liked it, but otherwise…great success. Keep coming up with delicious recipes please!
Thanks so much for your comment Heather and don’t worry girl, I’ll keep coming up with recipes! I can’t stop now! LOL!
It was awesome to meet you and Robb. You didn’t seem nervous at all and I wouldn’t have guessed it was your first book signing! Your blog is very inspirational and I continue to spread the word about Paleo and send people to your site (and tell them to buy your book!) so they can “see” the kinds of meals they can eat. Love!
It was great to meet you too Jessica and thank you so much!!
I am sitting in a bookstore looking at your new book. I’ve been beside myself waiting for my preordered copy, and now I am even more so!! Looking forward to reading it cover to cover. Amazon … Argh!!
Thank you Cristie! I hope you got your book by now and that you are enjoying it! : )
Congrats on your book! I just received it last week and we began our family’s paleo journey today. Thanks for all the great advice in the beginning section. The meal planner with shopping lists is a MAJOR lifesaver! My kids and I made the trail mix this afternoon and put it in the container where I used to keep white flour! My kids attitudes have been great so far and it’s really nice not to have to clean up crumbs under the table after they eat. Anyway, just wanted to thank you for helping this transition to go much more smoothly for our family.
Wow, didn’t think I could stick to a “diet”. But I love this life change way of eating. So yum. Great recipes! Think you’ll ever do a signing in portland oregon?