Better Everyday #101 Autoimmunity, Gut Health and Triumphing Over Dietary Restriction
In this episode we dove into paleo and AIP for autoimmune issues, where to start and how to transition to a broader range of foods in time. Most importantly we covered what to do if you don’t get better on these template diets! This of course took us to gut healing and why supplements may be necessary to get you to the next level as well as how often we need to “heal” our guts anyway. Finally we covered a lot of mindset strategies to make it work when you’re on a restricted diet temporarily or longer term, what deficiencies arise nutritionally and what to do about the psychological and emotional issues that come along with dieting – of any type.
EMPOWERED PCOS is now open! If you’ve ever wanted Dr Brooke’s help with PCOS for a fraction of the cost now’s your chance! Check out this one of a kind program and register BEFORE Friday at midnight to get some amazing BONUSES – like a discount working with Dr Brooke AND an extra coaching session! Check all that here.
Sponsors of this episode include Four Sigmatic! Grab our fav adaptogen drink and get 15% off using code “bettereveryday” at checkout.
Also, friends of the show and sponsors of our upcoming retreat – BTW spots still available! Check that out here and join us in Chico, CA Oct 4-7! – Dry Farm Wines has a bottle of wine for a PENNY for you! Learn more about their organic, low sugar, hang-over free wine with this link.
Sarah, I have your book about Paleo in Italian cooking. It is great. I use it often. This is the first time I have gone to your webpage. Lovely.
Just one comment I would like to make (and it indirectly involves nutrition) I noticed that your Dad has an issue with Alzheimer’s. That is very sad for you both and your family. However, I would like to share with you a site – Dr David Perlmutter and his many colleagues who are involved with a series of lectures called Awakening from Aalzheimer’s which negates the medical opinion that Alzheimer’s has no sure or reversal. Do check it out. I live in Australia so I cannot avail myself of the many strategies and supplements suggested in the series of lectures. You may find it very helpful and heartening. All the best and have A very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a wonderful 2019.
Peggy in Queensland SouthEast Australia.
Sarah, I have your book about Paleo in Italian cooking. It is great. I use it often. This is the first time I have gone to your webpage. Lovely.
Just one comment I would like to make (and it indirectly involves nutrition) I noticed that your Dad has an issue with Alzheimer’s. That is very sad for you both and your family. However, I would like to share with you a site – Dr David Perlmutter and his many colleagues who are involved with a series of lectures called Awakening from Aalzheimer’s which negates the medical opinion that Alzheimer’s has no sure or reversal. Do check it out. I live in Australia so I cannot avail myself of the many strategies and supplements suggested in the series of lectures. You may find it very helpful and heartening. All the best and have A very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a wonderful 2019.
Hi Peggy, I have to approve your first comment before you can make more comments, but you are all approved now so you can comment where you like on my site! Thank you so much for your recommendation, I know Dr Perlmutter personally, and gave a copy of his book to my dad and his wife years ago as well as piles and piles and piles of other information. I am only powerful enough to persuade as much as I can but not powerful enough to force change upon anyone, even the ones I love. So here we are. Thank you so much for your kind words, and Merry Christmas to you as well!
Sarah Sadly I could not comment on your site. This is the first time I have been on your website so I cannot really have made the same comment before.