Hear Elisabeth Yaotani’s story of using nutrition, stress management and a low histamine diet to get herself out of this chronic and painful condition.

Sarah & Dr Brooke | The Fifth Vital Sign with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack
Fertility Awareness Educator and Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner Lisa Hendrickson-Jack joins us to talk about her new book: The Fifth Vital Sign

Better Everyday Podcast | Dr Elisa Song
Attention all mamas: we had integrative board certified pediatrician and mama herself, Dr Elisa Song, MD on the show! She shared with us her best evidence based tips for common childhood troubles ranging from fevers to earaches to sniffles.

Better Everyday Women’s Retreat
Better Everyday Women’s Retreat April 20th – 23rd, 2017 We are beyond excited to announce our first Better Everyday Women’s Retreat which will be hosted by Sarah Fragoso and Dr. Brooke! This event will be held April 20th-23rd at JS Strength & Conditioning in Chico, CA! The weekend will provide an intimate setting in which …

Fall the F**K In!
Letting go is what makes life mysterious and beautiful and it’s what makes every moment count, especially the falls.
Autoimmune Paleo and You
Many of you have been following Lisa who has been chronicalling her journey here on Everyday Paleo. You can click here to catch up on her story. LIsa has been an outstanding contributor; inspiring and helping many folks along the way! She started a facebook page a few months ago and had such a huge …

4 Years of Living – Paleo
I celebrate 4 years of really living and to wherever you might be in your paleo journey, please know that you are NOT alone!