In late February of 2012 was my four year anniversary of living Paleo. Â For the first year, I was very focused. Â I would wake up in the morning and think about how my day would look, how I would manage breakfast, lunch, AND dinner, and how I would tackle any adversity, problems, or temptations that came my way. Â BUT, I was determined. Â You can see my before and after pictures here and read a bit more about my journey but in a nutshell, I wanted so badly to feel good that I was willing to push through what was one of the more challenging and yet rewarding years of my life.
After that first year of very hard work, I was transformed. Â I no longer woke up wondering, I began to finally LIVE!!!
I was so inspired and excited by my journey that I jumped at the opportunity to become a strength and conditioning coach at Norcal Strength and Conditioning and I shelved my dreams of becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and realized that I was meant to help people who like myself prior to paleo, were searching for what “healthy” really felt like. Â I wanted to intertwine what I knew about children, psychology, fitness, and paleo and shout from the rooftops that I think I had something figured out!!!
Next, I rekindled my love for cooking! As a child I was my mom’s constant cooking companion and had always been comfortable in the kitchen. Eating paleo forces you to find skills to make food that isn’t straight from a box, and I was glad that I had a few of those skills stored away.  So, with encouragement from Robb, I started this little blog.  Of course; being that I was incredibly technologically deficient I needed some help with the blog starting process and out of the clouds dropped my workout buddy and angel Dain, who said, “Sure, I can help,”  and the next thing you know, people actually began paying attention!
I’ll never forget that call from Dain when he said to me, Holy S*#@ Sarah, people are reading your blog!!! Â In fact, a LOT of people are reading your blog!
I was humbled. Scared. Excited. Grateful.
Fast forward to year 2 and I met with this guy named Erich who owns this cool publishing company called Victory Belt and I showed him some of the stuff I had been writing that I hoped someday would be an E-Book that I could offer to my blog readers. Â He liked what he read and suggested that I could write a REAL BOOK if I was interested! Â I nearly fell on the floor; and the work began. Â I am so proud of my first book, Everyday Paleo. Â
My husband John and I and our boys, Coby, Jaden, and little Rowan all worked so hard to create Everyday Paleo. Â We cooked together, my husband took all of the pictures, and we worked late into the evening and jumped out of bed at the crack of dawn to get this project done and ready for all of you. Â I wanted badly to share what had made us all incredibly healthy. Â I’m still humbled by the opportunity. Â I know how hard it can be to get a book published.
My mom was a children’s book author and it took her almost 15 years to get her first book published and she was a damn good writer. Â I will never forget the day we danced together in the driveway as she held the letter above her head from Puffin, the publisher who decided that my mom had a great story to tell; so much so that they asked the amazing Steven Kellogg to illustrate her first book! Â Here’s a link that will take to you an article written in my mom’s own words about her experience as an author.
I sometimes dream of that day, my mom smiling and laughing and I felt so proud and warm inside, knowing that my mom’s hard work had paid off. Â I’ll never take for granted that moment. Â I wish that my mom was here to share this journey with me and she remains in my heart as my constant strength and inspiration.
Fast forward to today. I have so many amazing contributors that make Everyday Paleo what it is today.  John and I met Jason Seib and together we created Everyday Paleo LIfestyle and Fitness, another avenue that is reaching folks who are ready to take things to the next level.  Next I  met Katie of Wellness Mama who is now part of the team and fills a much needed gap with her awesome articles.  Erika is on board, showing us that on a budget, in college, and with little time to spare, there is NO excuse to avoid living paleo!  Finally, Lisa has been sharing her paleo journey with all of us and now has her own Facebook page. And I now have Dana, my amazing Director of Operations who still needs to give me a picture and bio to put up on my about page.  Maybe reading this will give Dana some motivation to get that over to me ASAP so all of you can put a face to the name that has been responding to your emails!!
To wrap it all up, I’m not sure what else I can do but say a huge thanks to all of YOU.
I have been very busy with Paleo Pals, a project near and dear to my heart – I wrote this book for my little boys with hopes that your kids would enjoy and embrace the story as well. Â I also have another cookbook coming out in July, The Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook, and I’m working on a second edition to my current best seller, Everyday Paleo. Â The work never seems to end but I embrace each day with gratitude and hope that lives are changing.
Tonight, as I write this blog, I celebrate 4 years of really living and to wherever you might be in your journey, please know that you are NOT alone!! I realize that being able to share my paleo journey is something that not so very long ago, I could have never imagined possible.  So once again, thank you, be well, and as always, enjoy.
I am so wanting to get myself on track. I am currently deployed, I have been doing CF for a bit but still not in the shape I need to be. My BIGGEST problem, is SUGAR and BREADS!! I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and eating “clean” or “right” is very hard to do and to eat enough without loading up later on carbs to fill you up because I didn’t eat enough at lunch or dinner. I need HELP! I need to stop this “thing” with sugar. We have “some” CF equipment here but being here takes a beating on some of the euipment. Also its VERY hard to do CF by myself, not many women here want to do CF. What to do, i nned some POSITVE guidance and direction, I am willing to dig deep. Any helpful words? I have purchased your book, however I wasn’t home long enough to try any receipes. Thanks Karla/
Thank you for your service!
First of all, I want to sincerely thank you for your service. Your sacrifice is amazing.
as for Paleo, have you heard of Chef by Request? They deliver full -blown Paleo meals right to your door. I just don’t know if they deliver overseas.. email them here
We bought your cook book a little over a year ago, we cut back on grains and would use some of your recipes here and there but didn’t dive in full on… not until a few months ago. We are a family of 5, with a 9, 6 and 4 year old-they were/are excited about the change and have been amazing through it all. We started with your EVERYDAY PALEO 30 day plan and found it to be a great tool for our family with knowing what to buy and make-THANK YOU! It’s been a few months now and all 3 kids have fully embraced the change, already planning what healthier things we could make for their birthday(s), rather than the regular cake and ice cream!! It makes my heart happy to see them get excited about almond meal cookies and sweet potato brownies as well as egg cupcakes and spinach smoothies!! Thank you for your inspiration and great recipes. My husband has been doing Crossfit for a few years and is wanting to get his level 1 cert. I on the other hand, have been attempting,half heartedly, just doing what I can in the kids’ room at the gym but seeing your before and after pictures (amazing by the way) I feel I desperately want/need to push myself harder. Thank you again for sharing your story/journey, it’s always a good read and proves to be great motivation right when I seem to need it most!! 🙂
Thank you and your team for changing my life. I’m still in the first few months of changing my life style so I am needing motivation and insight on paleo every day. I come to your site everyday!!! Thank You!!!
I, for one, am so thankful that you went on this journey because you have DEFINITELY impacted my life! Next to Robb and Mark, you were my third Paleo ‘find’ and became my ‘go to’ site for delicious recipes. Your book also the first book I purchased!! So, THANK YOU. Not only am I glad you got your health and a rockin’ bod out of your journey, but that you were inspired to help others, and by that, helped me. I’m 41 pounds down, but better yet… healthy. I feel GREAT. Thank you for showing me how to cook, buy groceries that would help me and my family, and do it in a loving way.
Thank you for sharing to help make our journeys easier.
i love it!!
Thank you for getting my family on the Paleo track. You inspired us!
Thanks for sharing your story Sarah! You have had an amazing journey and now you are helping me on mine! When I first started a Paleo lifestyle it was just about the food and I couldn’t have made that change without your blog and cookbook. Then I discovered EPLifeFit and now I am able to work on my fitness as well. Thank you so much for what you do!
That was a lovely read. So happy for you and grateful that you are a part of my journey (wherever it might lead).
Enjoy, every second. You have worked super hard and deserve every happiness.
Congratulations, Sarah, and Happy Paleoversary! I just celebrated my first in January, and the whole family celebrates our first together at the end of this month! Thanks for letting us be a part of this amazing journey with you!
What an inspiring story. Yours was one of the first blogs I stumbled upon when I considered going Paleo. Now I’m one week in, feeling amazing and getting my bearings. I can’t wait to order “Eat Like a Dinosaur” tomorrow to help me get ideas about incorporating this lifestyle into my girls lives as well. Thank you!
Thank YOU Sarah for sharing your kitchen creativity with the world! I just made the 1-year Paleo mark, and as someone who never liked to cook, I may not have made it without your book! Your recipes are easy and delicious and EP is like my kitchen bible. Whenever people ask me how to do this, I send them straight to Amazon to buy your cookbook (along with Robb’s book)! Can’t wait to get my hands on the next one!
I started the Paleo way two months ago, and I am glad I chose it. I feel and look better (not as good as you yet) but seeing your picture and reading your story is so inspiring. I just need to start incorporating the Fitness aspect of this lifestyle, to truly make a total change for the better. Thank you for this blog. I read a lot of it.
Sarah, thank you so much for teaching me about living a Paleo lifestyle. And for showing how to bring the family on board.
Happy Anniversary!! 🙂
I just wanna say that you are an inspiration as is Dana. I have had your book for over a year now and have decided to start my 30 day challenge on April 1st. Every time I sit and read your book or you blogs I get more excited about living healthy. I have tried some off your recipes and they are phenomenal! I can’t wait for your new cookbook to come out. Thanks again and I look forward to more blogs of inspiration.
After a month of the Paleo train, your pictures and story has inspired me to rekindle the quest! Thanks!!
“Happy Day!” as my granddaughter, Arabella would say (Sent you a pic of her eating Avocado Dip last fall)! Yours was the first Paleo cookbook I purchased, Sarah, and I still love it. I have many now. I feel all alone out here on Kauai doing my Paleo thing, and I thank God every day for people like you and Robb, Mark, Chris K., Jack K., etc. when I need information and support. Keep up the great work!
CONGRATULATIONS SARAH and THANK YOU for the impact that YOU have had on so many! I continue to help my family, friends, acquaintences, gym clients, etc. in going paleo; your website and book have always been a huge part in that and you have helped me discover all the great things associated with living this lifestyle! Keep up the great work
Thanks for ALL that you do! You’re a supermomma and an inspiration for sure! By the way….i know this is random but i think you should make some “PALEO PALS” t-shirts! My daughter would LOVE one! 🙂 I’m sure they would sell!
Thank you so much Geneva, and guess what, we have Paleo Pals T-Shirts, I’m just not that great at advertising them… LOL! Here’s the link to our apparel shop! Scroll down to the bottom and you’ll see the Paleo Pals Shirts!
I first learned about you through randomly picking your book off the shelf at the locan Barnes and Noble.. You struck me as an amazing person, and I began following your blog. As I read, your story continued motivating me on my journey, and your content (particularly recipies), I found to be great.
Congratulations to you, Sarah, as well as your family.
You’ve got an inspiring story, and I can assure you it touches people far beyond your computer keyboard 🙂
LOVE your first cookbook…can’t WAIT till the next ones! Such easy quick recipes! THANKS so much!
Lovely article and beautiful family. I am exhausted reading everything that you are doing, Sarah, but you show how much it inspires you to go on ever upwards. Congratulations on your anniversary!
Happy anniversary, Fragosos, and thanks so much for making this journey fun, interesting and much, much easier! Carry on!
Hey Sarah! Love this blog and your book! Congrats on 4 years! I wanted to see if you could share your thoughts on some recent controversy I’ve heard about how Paleo – long term – can affect your health. I’m hearing stuff like “paleo makes you feel great for about a year, then all your thyroid, adrenal, liver issues start coming back”. I know that there is no cure-all or one size fits all. But I do remember you mentioning about having some adrenal issues about a year or so ago. Can you share more about your journey in the last 4 years with Paleo – in that have you seen all or most of your problems solved? Have there been any persistant issues yet to be resolved through this lifestyle? I’m mainly interested in the adrenal & thyroid issues as I’ve had those. Thanks!!
I remember I was starting to prepare paleo type meals when a friend of mine sent me your link. I remember reading through your blog and thinking, “Wow, this is really possible.” Lots of things about your blog attracted me – kids, recipes, a family that enjoys being together and the fact that you are about my size and look incredible – but mostly I was drawn to your personality. I felt like your blog was almost like hanging out with a group of friends sharing healthy living tips and we all agreed on how to go about this way of life. I am excited to see where else this paleo thing takes you and your family. Thanks for all you and your team do Sarah!
Happy Anniversary Sarah!! I can’t thank you enough for writing Everyday Paleo. Robb was my 1st paleo book. This Christmas all I wanted was Everyday Paleo cookbook. I was SO excited to get and STILL so excited I have it. It never gets put away. I’m a working mom so when I can’t think of what to have to dinner, its a great resource as most things are quick and easy. I can hardly wait for the 2nd one!!!
Thank you for all the wonderful info on this blog. I check it daily for info and recipes!!
Congratulations, Sarah! I am at my one year anniversary and am so grateful for your site and your yummy recipes that have gotten me this far! I started Paleo because I’ve battled Crohn’s Disease for 15 years now. Last year, I was all set to go have surgery number 13 and get a permanent ostomy when my doctor “prescribed” the Paleo Diet. Now I almost feel like a normal person and am no where near I was when I was about to have that last surgery. In fact, my doctor has recruited me to speak about Paleo and it’s effects on IBD! Thanks again for all you do!
Congrats on four years of living and all the amazing blessings that have come out of your paleo journey! I just found your website and podcast a couple of months ago, and I have really enjoyed “getting to know” you and all your collaborators. Thanks so much for the inspiration – and keep up the good work!
I have gone on a dieting journey that has led me to Paleo. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition despite being very into natural and organic choices. Someone recommended your website and Paleo as a great diet choice for autoimmune conditions, so here I am. I bought your book 2 weeks ago and love it. In fact, today is Day 1, I just finished my Spice Rubbed Chicken and Kids Love Slaw…sorry if I butchered the names, I don’t have the cookbook in front of me. Anyway, your before pictures remind me of myself and I really hope my after pictures will look as awesome. I have also been listening to your podcasts, especially when I am out and tempted by eating something I shouldn’t, it motivates me to stay strong. Thanks for following your passion and blessing so many of us, especially from a mother’s perspective. Hope the next 5 years bring you much success!
You are very inspriring. Thanks for putting in all th ehardwork to share your recipes and life experiences with all us readers and followers.
I just preordered your new cookbook, The Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook, from Amazon! How are you going to improve on the second edition of Everyday Paleo? Well, I guess I’ll be purchasing that book too since my current copy has pages and sections of pages coming apart. I take the Everyday Paleo book with me when I go grocery shopping. I leaf through it to plan meals and get meal ideas. I refer to it constantly while cooking. It has served me well!
Thank you Renee for ordering my new cookbook! For the second edition of Everyday Paleo there will be several changes. I added more resources, 12 new recipes, revised a few old recipes, there is a brand new meal plan and shopping guide, and there will be a new and usable recipe index! All new photographs have been taken of the recipes (not my husband taking the pics this time….) and the paper will be thicker and sturdier.
Your cookbook, Everyday Paleo, literally changed my life. Sure, I read Robb Wolf’s book and Loren Cordain’s books, and sure, I tried it out before, but it was your cookbook that started me on this journey – for real. I had my ups and downs, standing up and rejoining the fight every time. I was determined to make this work for me. Each time, I reached for your cookbook and got excited again. I now eat Paleo 100% of the time and am getting my toddler on board. (Husband is finding his own path, but I think he’ll eventually get here). Once again, your cookbook and blog is helping me out tremendously in getting my daughter on board.
Since going paleo, I have finally found the *cure* for depression I have suffered for more than two decades. Sure, I don’t have IBS or acne anymore either, but none of that compares to beating depression. I finally can love my life, and that is huge.
Thanks for all you do.
Hi Sarah…I enjoyed your post. Very inspiring. I have been on Paleo for a little over 3 weeks and have dropped 17lbs ! I feel great and my training has improved as well. I started a Facebook page to record my experience. Feel free to visit…Thanks!
I was looking at the page where the before/after pictures are and I thought it looked like a crossfit box in the picture with the kid at the top… I love your recipies, never noticed and just wondered if that really is a crossfit gym.
It’s Norcal Strength and Conditioning in Chico, CA.