Excuse me; but when did it become the middle of November? Thanksgiving, Christmas? What??? I lost time in Italy. Well, I guess I actually lost track of time and I felt as if everything stood still for a while. I expected to come home and to pick up exactly where I left off but even …

Holiday Brussels Sprouts and Garlic Roasted Sweet Potatoes
I have several holiday recipes on the blog that you can find here, here, and here; but what’s wrong with a couple more! My family and I will be traveling to visit my wonderful in-laws for Thanksgiving, so I thought I would come up with two fun side dishes that I can make and share while …
Thanksgiving Recipes and Everyday Paleo Pumpkin Pie Cooking Demo!
My family all pitched in yesterday and we created an amazing holiday feast. We ate a lot, laughed a lot, and stayed up way too late on a school night; but it was well worth it. We even managed to throw together a cooking demo for my Everyday Paleo Pumpkin Pie which we all had …