I’ll keep this short and sweet. I’m making this recipe tonight from my Italian Cuisine book. The Creamy Carrot Fennel Soup is, well, it’s awesome. I happen to have a lot of carrots thanks to my CSA so BAM. Done. Decision made. If you don’t have my latest book, I’m going to be super nice …
A Paleo Picnic
One of our favorite summer time activities as a family is to spend the day under a giant oak tree at one of our local parks with a giant paleo picnic. It get’s really darn hot here in Chico but we have tons of trees and shade so often the best reprieve from the …
Get Your SLEEP!!!
Note from Sarah: Please welcome Allison Golden of PaleoNonPaleo as she gives us all some wonderful advice as to how to get our important sleep!! Often, lack of sleep is what derails us from reaching our health goals and Allison outlines how to make sleep a priority in our busy lives. So, let me …
4 Years of Living – Paleo
I celebrate 4 years of really living and to wherever you might be in your paleo journey, please know that you are NOT alone!
Recommended Food Suppliers and Brands
Alrighty, here goes. I get quite a few emails and Facebook questions regarding things like, “Where do I find grass fed meat in my area?” or, “What brand of coconut oil or coconut milk do you recommend?” To save me some time answering each question individually, hopefully this post will answer a bunch of your …
Cumin Spiced Slow Cooked Pork
So life in general is pretty crazy, right? We are all busy beyond belief, pulled in a million directions, overwhelmed, overworked, and the list goes on and on. Currently, my family is on a mission to figure out how to slow down a bit. We have done some serious rearranging of our lives to hopefully …
Southwestern Frittata
We are in the middle of packing up and moving. Not out of Chico, just across town; but holy cow it’s a lot of work. I’ve been trying not to buy a lot of food this week and just eat what we have so that I don’t have to pack and move an entire fridge …
Tuna Stuffed Eggs
I hope that all of you football fans out there enjoy the big day, eat a lot of great paleo food, and spend time with friends and family.
Are You Stuck??
What has happened in our past does not have to dictate our future. We can choose if we want to move forward. We can choose if we are worth it. We can choose if we want to be stuck. I used to find myself feeling as if the hand that life had dealt to me …
Surviving Halloween!
As parents living a paleo lifestyle, Halloween can be much more frightening than the expected glowing skeletons, howling ghosts, and silly monsters. Halloween is scary because of the mountains of high fructose corn syrup and unidentifiable ingredient laden CANDY!!! Around this time every year my inbox fills up with questions regarding what to do about …