This recipe was inspired by a reader who emailed me a recipe that he created for a seafood curry that was served over roasted pumpkin. Of course I can never leave anything alone so I revised his recipe to make this Creamy Pumpkin Curry. The whole family loved this savory fall soup and I hope …

Gingered Carrots with Mahi Mahi
I have had a few requests for a fish recipe so last night I threw this dinner together with what had in the house: some beautiful carrots from the GRUB farm, green onions, fresh ginger, and wild caught Mahi Mahi pieces from Trader Joe’s. I wish now that I had made more of everything, it …

Sweetheart Scallops
John’s Tuesday schedule brings him home later than normal and the kids and I are always finished with dinner and getting ready for bed by the time he’s walking through the door. Tonight I made my normal Tuesday night Paleo Tacos which vanished into the bottomless pits which are my children, leaving none for dad!