The Tripe Tribe is the amazing company behind the highly anticipated Everyday Paleo Italy Adventure.
The Trip Tribe has more to offer than our Italy Adventure! Can you say a Paleo retreat in Cabo?? I highly encourage you to check out the WOD-cation and Paleo Retreat in Cabo scheduled to take place November 14th-18th!! This trip, run by their partner Destino Retreats, is for the athlete who wants to hang out with like minded people, train hard, play hard, and all meals provided will be paleo and the menu has been approved by me, Sarah Fragoso! To learn more about this amazing Cabo trip and to book your spot, click here!
While you are at The Trip Tribe site, browse around, check out all of their amazing opportunites, and crave those trips to stay up to speed on where YOU might want to go next….
If you haven’t heard, The Trip Tribe and I are giving away a trip for two to Italy for an Everyday Paleo Adventure!!! The coolest thing about this trip; even if you do not win, you can still go!! The opportunity is amazing; you get to stay in a castle, eat awesome paleo meals, hangout, and site see, and I will be there too, along with my husband John to lead you in a few workouts, eat with you, chat with you, and join you on the trip of a lifetime! For more information on how to win this trip, click here. To sign up and book this trip, click here. I highly advise that you do both, and if you book the trip and end up being the winner, you will be fully reimbursed!