I cooked some greens fresh from our CSA to make an amazingly easy and tasty side dish. Here’s how I prepared the greens:

I cooked some greens fresh from our CSA to make an amazingly easy and tasty side dish. Here’s how I prepared the greens:
The thought of Sarah being away for a full week brought about fear and anxiety. Yes I’m a Paleo Dad, however, balancing full time work and spending so much time in the kitchen to plan meals, make school lunches, prep snacks and cook dinner seemed like a daunting task. I have a ton of respect for the …
I was laughing when I posted Jason’s last article The Whole Enchilada because I KNEW that there were going to be some folks who thought – AWESOME – a paleo enchilada recipe; only to find out that alas, no food in this post but some very powerful words of wisdom from Jason instead. Just as important, …
Serve each plate with a pile of romaine, a scoop of the chicken mixture, and a drizzle of the chipotle mayo.
Sometimes crazy summer days lead to late night hectic dinners and last night the sun was setting as we sat down to eat. Although the food was delicious, the actual experience ended up being more of a fiasco then a relaxing evening together. I suppose that’s what I get for trying to have meal time …
Thanks to my adventurous mother, as far back as I can remember I have had a huge interest and affection for international cuisine with one of my favorites being Thai food. I hope someday to travel to Thailand and immerse myself in the culture, eat the food, visit the beaches, and ride around in a …
Pancit is a Filipino dish made with meat, noodles, and veggies and seasoned with soy sauce. My husband’s grandfather on his mom’s side was born and raised in the Philippines and passed his cultural and traditions on to his family, especially through the food! It’s been years since my husband has had homemade pancit and …
I have been in need of fast recipes this week and here is one I made for lunch yesterday that was so tasty that it really felt like I put more effort into the dish than I actually did! Paleo food never has to be boring! Use your spice cabinet to keep your meals exciting, …
The boys and I made this fast meal on Monday night and it was delicious and easy enough that the evening did not feel as much like hectic Monday’s often can…. Oh, and check out Rowan chowing on spaghetti squash – it was like some sort of spaghetti squash nirvana!! Now for the recipe!
As many of you know who follow my blog I love to just grab what I have in the fridge and make a meal happen. I don’t like to think too hard unless I have to, especially when it comes to food! Here’s what John and I quickly threw together for lunch yesterday and we …