I am so happy to announce that Everyday Paleo is now available for Kindle!! Please check it out and spread the word.
I also wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for your continued support, comments, feedback and encouragement. I am heading out now to record our next Paleo Talk podcast followed by dedicating some time to responding to all of your comments!! Please know that I read each and every one of your comments and my husband John can attest to the fact that he often finds me crying, laughing, worrying, and pondering about all that you have to say. Your comments keep me going, thinking, learning, and growing so don’t stop leaving them and I will get back to you as I am able. Also, don’t forget to like my Facebook page! There are always interesting questions, comments, and updates being posted there so don’t be left out of the fun.
As always, Enjoy!
Sarah, are there plans to to get the book for the Nook/Nook Color soon?!
From what I understand, they are working on formatting it for the Nook but not entirely sure what the timeline is on that.
Just got the book and I love it. Well done!
Thank you so much!
Just ordered the book on my kindle and am 60% of the way through it! I’m so happy that you’ve made a kindle edition available. So far it’s been a GREAT read and I’m going shopping tonight to get some ingredients to make a few of the recipes!
Thank you Samantha, so glad you are enjoying it!
Darn… Knew I should have waited; now I’ll have to buy it again. Oh well, the Kindle copy means I can keep it with me for easy reference when I inevitably relegate the print version to the book shelf.
Great book BTW. Many congratulations on making it accessible to all (even my mum! 😉 ).
Hooray, a Kindle version! This makes my day! Now I can loan out my hard copy and still have my own with me at all times. Of course, the last time I loaned the book out, the lady brought it back to me the next day with a note that she liked it so much, she ordered two — one for herself and one for her sister. 😉
Thanks again and happy Paleo eating!
Rock on…can’t wait to get it on my Kindle for iPad!! Just made Marvelous Meatballs yesterday…so tasty and easy 🙂
Yeah! Thanks! Got it, downloaded, about halfway through reading it!
It’s so FUNNY — because I listen to PaleoTalk, I know what your voice sounds like (and Robb’s) and it’s hilarious to see that you write exactly the way you talk.
Thanks for a great book!
We received your book a few weeks ago and have so enjoyed every recipe that we’ve tried so far! What a great resource! Here’s one of our own variations on your slaw recipe that we came up with…. http://morningsbrew.blogspot.com/2011/06/mmmm-pork-slaw.html
I received my copy this weekend and I love it. Mwuah! Thanks for writing it.
Any word on whether the book will be out for iBooks anytime soon?
Yes, it’s now available on itunes!! http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/everyday-paleo/id442501160?mt=11
Any plans for making your blog available on Kindle as well??
Hmmm, I didn’t even know you could put a blog onto Kindle?!? I’ll have to ask Dain about that one….