The Naked Factor is just a bonus… And a recipe (of course)!

Admittedly, I started eating paleo because I was tired of looking at my not so attractive nakedness in the mirror and I secretly and desperately wanted to be that hot mom in a bikini…..  Of course I was blind to the trillion other little health issues that plagued me; writing them off as normal.  I …

News, My Kid vs. the Food Pyramid, Easy Steak Skewers and Avocado Dressing

First off – some exciting news – I am writing a book which is scheduled to be released hopefully in February!!  The book will of course include recipes as well as advice for paleo beginners and diehards alike.  Look forward to information on how to get started, how to stay on track, how to shop, …

Grilled Chicken with Walnut Pesto Sauce and Warm Arugula Salad…

Pesto is an amazing sauce; it makes anything taste good from scrambled eggs to salad – so I have been working on a decent paleo version.  I think I came up with a pesto recipe, that in my humble opinion is better then most pestos which are laden with parmesean – and it’s super easy to put together.  Tonight I grilled some …

Fresh Salsa – and Everyday Paleo is Going on Vacation!!

If any of ya’ll have noticed that I have been a bit skimpy on my posts this week, well it’s because I’m already in vacation mode.  The family and I will be heading off tomorrow to Mexico for a much needed week of rest and relaxation!! So, in the spirit of traveling to Mexico, here is …

Three Recipes For That Snack Attack!!

I really like corn chips.  Give me some corn chips AND guacamole and I will love you forever.  The problem is, I don’t feel so great after gorging out on corn chips and although I could eat them every day, we all know that’s not the best idea.  So, when I am getting that snack attack for some …