Dinner, Food, Recipes, Seafood

Don’t be afraid – it’s only a fish taco!

Breakfast today was leftover beef stew from last night, hard-boiled eggs, and avocado.  Lunch was salmon patties from Costco – heat for 3 min on each side in a skillet with olive oil.  I made “fish tacos” out of the patties with romaine lettuce leaves, diced tomatoes, broccoli slaw, a little mayo, and some hot sauce.  Rowan looks scared of the taco, but he chowed them down, despite his initial fears!  : )  For dinner I threw a bag of brussel sprouts in the microwave for 4 minutes, chopped them in quarters, chopped a package of bacon, and sauteed all together with already cooked chicken from TJ’s, vegetable blend, bell peppers and onions, pepper, a little sea salt, and a little chicken broth.

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Sarah Fragoso

Sarah Fragoso is an international best selling author of 6 books, co-owner of the Chico, CA based gym JS Strength and Conditioning, and founder of the Everyday Paleo franchise. Sarah is the co-host of the popular Sarah and Dr. Brooke Show podcast and she also conducts workshops and retreats on the subjects of nutrition, lifestyle and fitness.

Her message is from the heart and she carries a genuine desire to help other families looking for guidance. These attributes have contributed to her successes and provide the drive to keep the discoveries coming.

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  1. Ya did it!

  2. Christina says:

    I like the look Rowan is giving, like…”Really?” I’m gladd it was good, I may try this tonight instead of paleo sloppy joes. Oh how I missed the fish taco!

  3. Sarah says:

    Hey Christina!
    I love lettuce tacos, even with good ol’ ground beef, they are super yummy! See you soon!

  4. o.k. I just showed my 6 yr. old, Colin the pictures of your son with the fish taco, and told him we would be eating this way.
    He boo-hooed instantly! Then kept saying, “I don’t want to eat like that”. HELP, my battle has already begun! Any suggestions moms?

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