The night before our truffle hunt, our little family had joked about the “hunting” aspect. Are truffles sneaky and fast? Might they get away if you aren’t quick enough with your attack? The next day we all giggled as we imagined rebellious and elusive truffles while our car wound through a maze of green misty …
An Intro to the Beautiful Marche!!
As many of you know, my family and I are traveling through Italy, soaking up the culture and cooking our way through several different regions of this spectacular country. We started our journey first in Bologna and moved on from there to Pesaro. All last week we were staying near the Adriatic Sea, in the …
Video Recap of Bologna Cooking School
Here’s a quick video recap of my experience at Bologna Cooking School with Big Carlo! I owe a huge amount of gratitude to Carlo, Luciana, and Gabriela for welcoming us and accommodating our requests for a personalized gluten free cooking lesson as well as Carlo’s permission to use and tweak his recipes to make them paleo. We …
The Fragoso Family In Action
Just for fun, check out this quick video of our family in action!
Homemade Paleo Mayo Cooking Demo!!
Finally, a post about food!! Hurray hurray, jump up and down but don’t get too excited because this post is a lesson – a very important paleo mayonnaise lesson and one that is worth learning for those folks who figured that their creamy white blissful days of mayo were over after hopping on the paleo …
Cabbage Roll Cooking Demo and Making Choices!
I remember when I first heard about the paleo diet and immediately I began thinking up a hundred excuses as to why I couldn’t eat paleo. My biggest excuse; I assumed that I simply did not have the time. In reality I did not yet have the DESIRE TO CHANGE. It took hitting my own …
Thanksgiving Recipes and Everyday Paleo Pumpkin Pie Cooking Demo!
My family all pitched in yesterday and we created an amazing holiday feast. We ate a lot, laughed a lot, and stayed up way too late on a school night; but it was well worth it. We even managed to throw together a cooking demo for my Everyday Paleo Pumpkin Pie which we all had …
Cooking Demo – Name That Recipe!! (Ground Lamb and Pumpkin)
In this demo I made ground lamb and pressure cooked pumpkin. I could not come up with a name for this dish so if any of you have suggestions, post your recipe name ideas to comments and I’ll let my boys pick the winner!
Cooking Demo – Paleo Tacos with Purple Cabbage Slaw
Hi Everyone! Check out the latest Everyday Paleo Cooking Demo!!!
Cooking Demo – Paleo Spaghetti & Baked Green Beans
First – a big thank you to Manimal Wear for sending me one of their promo t-shirts. I was able to give the shirt a test run yesterday and wore it out and about with the boys and during my workout. I’m sure I’ll be purchasing a couple more once the product has launched. Ok, …