First – a big thank you to Manimal Wear for sending me one of their promo t-shirts. I was able to give the shirt a test run yesterday and wore it out and about with the boys and during my workout. I’m sure I’ll be purchasing a couple more once the product has launched. Ok, …
How Hot is YOUR Kitchen?? – Another cooking demo….
Apparently my kitchen gets so hot that my coconut oil gets, “liquid-y”…. Along with having a lot of fun with our cooking demos, I am also inventing new words, and if anything, giving my family yet another reason to laugh at me!! In this demo we make Savory Cauliflower Fried Rice, Pork Chops, and my …

A Cool New Blog, and a Cooking Demo – Albondigas Soup!!
As you all know we are raising a paleo family; ultimately hoping to avoid disease and most importantly wanting to pass the gift of health and longevity down to the most important people in out lives, our children. Parenting is the hardest job one will ever have, and yet, parents work hard to do what …

Cooking Demo – Breakfast Paleo Pizza
We did it – our very first cooking demo! Please take a look and let me know what you think. I know what we need to do differently next time but I also want your feedback as well. Next time we’ll try to get more shots of the actual food! Enjoy!