Missing pancakes? Look no further!! Almond meal cakes are easy, yummy, and will keep nicely for a few days in the fridge for quick snacking – and kids like them too! Here is my recipe: 2 cups of almond meal, 3 eggs, 1/2 can of coconut milk, a big drizzle of either walnut oil or coconut oil, 2 apples grated, and a whole lot of cinnamon. Mix all ingredients together and cook on a super hot griddle or frying pan in more walnut or coconut oil. These cakes are great warm or cold and are delicious served with bacon, of course!
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Hi! I heard about your blog from Robb Wolf. I got certified in Atlanta last week-end. I am doing the same type of thing at www,givingupgrains.wordpress.com. We are week 2 on a grain free, dairy free diet. I did the same thing and took my whole family to this diet. I have two awesome little boys and a great husband. Anyway, I love your blog and I think we think a lot alike. I am a trainer at Cross Fit North Fulton in Roswell GA. I loved what I learned from Rob and am enjoying this experience a lot. My 7 year old son has autism and has been gluten free and casein free since he was 20 months so I am looking forward to cleaning ups his diet even more and seeing what happens. It definitely affects him in a positive way. This has been pretty easy to do with my 3 year old as well. We are feeling better in the Butch house already!
Anyway, thanks for sharing your info!
This is the type of site I constantly search for! Thank you so much. Keep it up!!!!
would love to know what you guys are serving for thanksgiving…keeping it Paleo? Have you had any luck with any Paleo stuffing recipes? I see a few out there, but haven’t tried any.
Couple of questions….What is almond meal? Second, my understanding is that walnut oil should not be used with high heat. I can’t remember where I read that, but just recently did. Thanks for all your great recipes and hard work!
I’m having trouble getting my cakes to stick together as a “griddle cake”. Followed the recipe exactly. It has a good taste, but not really a pancake. Any suggestions?
Try adding more almond meal? Could be the kind of almond flour you are using has a bit different consistency. So sorry for the super late response, not sure how I missed this!
Hey Ms. Trish! Almond meal is just almonds ground up super fine so it’s almost a flour like texture. According to the Spectrum Organics website, you shouldn’t heat walnut oil past 400 degrees (do not let it get so hot that is smokes), otherwise it’s fine to cook with! Here’s the link to the Spectrum site: http://www.spectrumorganics.com/images/uploads/49623ec41cb5b.pdf
Hey Sally!
I have not tried any paleo stuffing recipes, if you ever do, let me know how it goes!
Love you posts! Great recipe! I tried it with 1/2 can of organic pumpkin and omitted the apples, added a tablespoon of flax seed, 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice and a drizzle of raw honey. Nice seasonal mix…
Sarah I’ve had a hard time finding coconut oil, can you point me in the right direction?
Hey Davin!
Here locally you can find coconut oil at S&S Produce or Chico Natural Foods. I have also found it at Raleys in the natural foods section. Goood luck!
We tried these today and they were awesome! If you use a griddle, I recommend a temperature between 250 and 300.
I tried this wonderful recipe today and…i failed because it wont stick it together like these ones…any suggestions?…~_~…
I would suggest using less liquid if they are not holding together well. Good luck!! : )
I would leave out the oil in the batter and substitute it for 1/2 banana. Then put all ingredients in a food processor so you have no chuncks of banana. Let it rest for 5-10 minutes to thicken. It really held together like a beautiful crepe for me. No issues! Do use the drizzle of coconut oil in the pan to cook them in. It is great for higher heat cooking from what I have read. I also then topped with the sliced banana and cheated by drizzeling a tiny amount of agave nector on them. Wow!
I LOVE your version of these Meredith, I’ll be trying this for sure! Thank you!
I had the same problem with these amazingly delicious cakes the first time around. But the second time, I added 2 tablespoons of tapioca starch (whice comes from the root of the cassava plant) and a teaspoon of baking powder and they held together much better. I think I’ll increase the additions to 3T starch and 1 1/2 t. powder next time, or even double the original amounts, not sure yet. These are SO good!
Great idea Chrissie to make these more manageable, thank you!!
ok~ thanks!
Thanks so much for all the Paleo tips. I’m new to the lifestyle and have really been searching for quick and easy recipe ideas that actually taste good. I made your Moroccan chicken the other night and it was fabulous! 🙂
So where can I buy almond meal at? Do u think they’d have it at winco or raleys?
I buy mine at Trader Joe’s but you can also find almond meal at Raley’s. It’s the Red Mill brand but much more expensive then at Trader’s..
My husband and I bought ours off Amazon… Easy and to our door step! 🙂 Love your book and blog!
You can buy almond meal at nuts.com for less than $5.00 a pound if you buy 25 lbs or more. Great family owned company and lightning fast shipping!
Oh, and how do you grate apples? Could I throw them into a food processor?
Hi David!
You can use your food processor, or just use a cheese grater, that works well too, just watch out for you knuckles!
Hey, I love this blog! I make my almond meal in the food processor. You can’t put a lot in at once, but it’s less expensive. Just buy whole almonds in the bulk section and process away! Thanks Sarah for the info.
Awesome idea Stacy, thank you!
awesome blog! love finding paleo and crossfit sites. another great recipe for pancakes, thats also super easy, is:
½ cup mashed banana
2tbs almond butter
1 ½tbs ground flaxseeds
1 egg
Place ingredients in a bowl and mix into a typical pancake consistency.
Place some coconut oil in a frying pan on low-medium
heat, and then place a scoop of pancake mixture into the
frying pan. Cook for 1min before flipping over and
cooking for a further 1min on the other side.
and apple sauce and melted frozen fruit make for a great syrup substitute! you can even add some coffee grounds and/or lemon juice to the batter for added flavor..
thanks again for all the recipes 🙂
I’m drooling – this sounds awesome, thank you!!! : )
Great ideas Raika, thank you!! : )
These look delicious! I have been enjoying coconut pancakes – recipe from MDA. I have yet to buy almond meal, but will probably do so immediately. I love the coconut pancakes but this would be a fantastic change 🙂
Could you post your coconut pancake recipe? We are allergic to almonds and are hungry for pancakes!
Here’s a great coconut flour pancake recipe at Mark’s Daily Apple! http://www.marksdailyapple.com/coconut-flour/#axzz1gQlW2dLd
Made Raika’s version of the pancakes and loved them. Very tasty, didn’t even add syrup or sweetner of any kind. Only issue was that were not very fillling. Any suggestions?
Hey Tom! When you eat these almond cakes, just make sure you also eat some protein with them, like some omega 3 enriched eggs! That should help hopefully. : )
Our family is new to to the Paleo lifestyle. My husband does Crossfit every morning and we have both enjoyed your recipe for egg cupcakes. Two of them with a slice of bacon and half an avocado is my new favorite breakfast! I made the griddle cakes this morning. I didn’t have an apple, so I used some unsweetened apple sauce. they were delicious! Thanks for the recipes!
I too tried to make these griddle cakes and mine fell apart even after attempting to decrease the liquid by adding more almond meal. I didn’t want to waste the batter. So, I got creative and used the batter to make waffles. My husband and his friends loved it! I will make these again. Thanks so much for this wonderful recipe!
Hi Rolinda,
Yummmm, waffles!! I am so going to try this, I have an old waffle maker collecting dust up in my cabinet… Thanks for the tip and I’m so glad you are enjoying my recipes!
Just started paleo the past couple weeks. Made these this morning. Had a really large apple, so only used 3/4 of it, and added a couple handfuls of blueberries. Also a drop of vanilla extract (is this paleo approved?) Had them with Canadian bacon and….100% pure maple syrup – just a bit (don’t know if that’s paleo approved or not….maybe not…but…it was awesome) Used an electric griddle set to 400 degrees and had to grill them longer than normally would for pancakes to keep them from falling apart. Thanks. Will be trying many more of your recipes and working hard at making a grocery shopping list.
Nice job Linda, sounds awesome! : )
Vanilla’s from a seed pod, might not have been exploited by Grok, but is certainly a whole food, just like herbs are.
WARNING: Please ONLY use Chaokoh Coconut Milk! I tried this other organic brand becuase I couldn’t find a retailer near my area that carried it. However it has Guar Gum and it made me nauseous, light headed, bloated, and felt as if my blood pressure dropped, just sick…and I only had 2 1/2 pancakes. I had used the same brand in a mango smoothie and it made me feel the same way, so I know it has to be the Guar Gum. Besides it has a funny taste YUCK
This is what I found Online-From: http://www.immunocapinvitrosight.com/dia_templates/ImmunoCAP/Allergen____28327.aspx
Guar gum is a high-molecular-weight agent that can cause occupational rhinitis and asthma and may uncommonly induce symptoms of food allergy in sensitised individuals (9). Food-induced anaphylaxis has been reported (10-11).
On a good note, I love your site Sarah and I plans most of my meals using your yummy recipes. Thank You!!!
i made these today and they were very yummy… however i didn’t know when they were ready to be flipped. is there a timing i should use or do you look at the edges because unlike normal pancake they don’t bumble when they are ready to be flipped
Sarah –
These are absolutely delicious! I’ve made these a few times now and they are so good!
This morning my wife (who just gave birth to our second child 3 weeks ago), woke me up and said: “What are you waiting for?!? Go make some of those Paleo Pancakes! I’m hungry!” 🙂
They’re a big weekend hit around here now. Thanks!
Hi Kris, I love it and congrats on the new baby!! ; )
Just made these thismorning after I listened to one of your podcasts where you mentioned them. Very yummy. I used the leftover almond grounds from making almond milk- I have been looking for a way to use that stuff!
I am making these tonight! My kids will be excited 🙂
I made these this morning, and in my sleepy stupor I forgot the apples. I didn’t have enough almond meal so I used 1/2 almond meal and 1/2 coconut powder. The result was fluffy and blonde, and utterly delicious with some warmed frozen blueberries and a couple of eggs.
Hello! I have an allergy to almonds and am wondering what would be a good substitute for almond meal as many of your recipes use it. We just got your book and are loving it! Thanks for the inspiration and the grocery lists 🙂
Just made these for my family! Kids loved them and they are SO filling! Poured a little real maple syrup over……reminded me of a crisp Fall day 🙂
Just tried these with a slight adjustment, added 1/2 c tapioca flour (because I added to much coconut milk)… a teaspoon of vanilla … and 1/2 cup homemade applesauce from thanksgiving which already has cinnamon & nutmeg ). They were great and I got the ok from the non paleo family members…
PS also did your Thanksgiving paleo stuffing and also got rave reviews and requests for the recipe.
Have you tried the Silk coconut milk that comes in a carton in the dairy section of the grocery store? It comes in vanilla flavor and plain. I’m interested in trying it, but am not sure about buying such a big quantity as it only comes in half gallons. I love your blog and your book. Very helpful!
About that Silk Coconut milk. I do not like it. I tried. I tried really hard to like it, I don’t mind fresh coconut milk straight out of the fruit. Trying to force down the second glass out of the carton was just too much for me. I ended up tossing what was left of it and just trekking back to the store to buy almond milk. Now that’s good stuff!
This pancake recipe is wonderful when I exchanged the coconut milk for almond milk and added maybe a bit too much vanilla (the real stuff takes much less than imitation.) Topped with banana, strawberry, blueberry and just a slight drizzle of honey.
My three year old calls it donuts! But he calls the almond milk “milkshake” also. Honestly, I don’t know where he gets that from. I’m asking family what they’ve been feeding the boy.
Holy yumminess, Batman!! These were so delicious! We are doing the 21 day sugar detox right now, so we used granny smith apples. I also added baking powder and some fresh lemon juice. We topped them with loads of butter and I melted some coconut cream and unsweetened almond butter together. Perfect topping!!!
Do you find these fall apart in the pan? When I’ve tried making similar almond meal/flour recipes, the pancakes lack any form of stickiness that keeps them together.
Because of that, I’ve been biased towards almond butter based pancakes that keep their shape better.
This is my ingredient list:
3 eggs
3 bananas
1/4 cup all-natural almond butter(Option: use peanut butter instead)
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Coconut oil
Complementary fruits such as berries
Do I peel the apples before I shred for the pancakes or leave peeling on?
I leave them on!
how many does this recipe make? thanks
Depends on the size that you make them but anywhere from 7-12.
Looks like your NextGen gallery plugin is deactivated or your using a new plugin because the gallery isn’t showing up. Would love to pin this with a picture! 🙂