Grilled Chicken with Walnut Pesto Sauce and Warm Arugula Salad…

Pesto is an amazing sauce; it makes anything taste good from scrambled eggs to salad – so I have been working on a decent paleo version.  I think I came up with a pesto recipe, that in my humble opinion is better then most pestos which are laden with parmesean – and it’s super easy to put together.  Tonight I grilled some …

Seafood “Who Needs Rice” Jambalaya

My whole family likes it spicy.  Even my two year old will slurp down curries and salsa with a smile.  My oldest recently started a ritualistic competition with my husband to see who can eat two hot pickled peppers the fastest.  It’s a pretty comical way to start our evening meal… I contribute my children’s spice tolerant palettes to …