Last year a trainer friend of mine at Norcal turned me on to paleo pizza made with almond meal crust. Â Although I like this pizza and the crust works, I wanted to find a way to make the crust DELICIOUS, rather than just a vessel for the pizza toppings. Â With a few tweaks to the original, I came up with this pizza crust recipe that I love so much that I am excited to make it again and use it for more than just pizza.
I am imagining the crust used like a cracker and topped with sliced turkey and fresh tomatoes or maybe with cucumbers, chicken, and sun dried tomatoes… The posbilities are endless, or maybe I’m just hungry, but either way here is my Everyday Paleo Pizza!
Everyday Paleo Pizza
2 cups almond meal
2 eggs
3 tbsp olive oil
¼ tsp baking soda
1 tsp garlic powder
1 ½ tbsp fresh rosemary chopped
1 cup organic marinara sauce from Trader Joe’s
1 lb Italian pork sausage nitrate free
2 crook neck yellow summer squash diced
3 green onions chopped
Handful of torn basil leaves
2 small tomatoes diced
1/2 cup roasted red peppers diced
Handful of sliced black olives
Preheat your oven to 350. Using a spoon mix all crust ingredients together until it becomes very thick. Â Using your hands, form the dough into a ball. Â Lightly grease a pizza pan or a cookie sheet with olive oil. Â Place the ball of dough in the center of your cookie sheet or pizza pan and using your hands, push and pat the dough down into the shape of a circle (or an oval in my case…). Â You want to make the dough as thin as possible. Â Your pizza will be about 12 inches across. Â Bake JUST the crust in your pre-heated oven for 20 minutes. Â While your crust is cooking, prepare your toppings. Â If you use sausage like we did, this is when you should crumble it into a large saute pan and brown. Â After the crust if done, remove from the oven and evenly spread the marinara sauce over the crust. Â Add the sausage and all remaining toppings evenly over the sauce and bake again for an additional 25-30 minutes. Â Get creative and use whatever toppings you might like – ours was great but I also suggest trying chicken, artichoke hearts, and even broccoli!! Â Go wild with it and as always: Enjoy!
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Awesome recipe!! I’m gonna hit whole foods market tomorrow and try this out! Can’t wait. 🙂
Why is the crust soggy after you cook it with the sauce and toppings?
Bake just the crust longer. I highly suggest buying a pizza stone if pizza is going to be your thing, so that when you bake just the crust it does so from the top and bottom.
Put some olive oil on dough and spread around before adding sauce and toppings, does the trick for me!
I would suggest baking it at a higher temp. 450 degrees. Most pizza’s are baked at a higher temp. Pizza is a very important part of my family life. Every Friday is home made pizza night. I just started this diet and I am looking forward to trying this pizza crust.
Also, always put the meat on before the veggies. 🙂
This looks awesome! Can’t wait to try it!
Does Italian pork sausage come as links..or ground meat?
Hey Tracey! The sausage I sometimes buy from Trader Joe’s comes in links but I usually get fresh italian pork sausage from a friend of mine who has a pig farm it comes like ground meat, not in links… : )
Your pictures of the stages of cooking are great! I will be putting your link on my Paleo Women website so people can refer to your site – it’s so full of great recipes and info!
Just started following your food blog after following a link from Robb’s blog. You are doing a great job, and as stated above I like the pictures of the stages of cooking. I am a father of two and try my best to make sure my daughter eats well so she has a good food base as she grows. My son is 10 days old so he is going to be on a liquid diet for a while! Keep up the great recipes!
Hi Eric! I’m so glad that you found my blog and are enjoying it and congratulations on your new little one! : )
I finally figured out why I adore your apple muffins – made with red delicious they remind me of Apple Fritters, my all-time favorite donut. The bane of my existence that I now can’t find any red delicious apples! LOL
Gave your blog an award, btw.
Hi, madame. I don’t want to sound like a party pooper, but this is very important.
Almond meal is high in PUFAs and as Paleo dieters, it should have been a known 411 that cooking PUFA foods yields a higher risk of getting calcified arteries (atherosclerosis) than by eating excessive sugar. Here’s a source from one guy in simple english, with PubMed sources:
Thankfully we could use MUFA nuts like Hazelnuts or Cashew as a substitute for PUFA rich almonds to make the crust.
Hi Paul,
First off, thank you for your comment. I looked over the article you attached and a few things I noticed seemed to be note worthy. According to the article, eating chicken cooked any other way rather then boiling it is far MORE dangerous than cooking with almond meal, and if that’s true, than I’m sure to die tomorrow. I am not a scientist by any means and although there may be validity to the dangers of high AGE content in food and cooking these specific foods at high heat, especially when combined with sugars, but for me the proof is in the pudding. I personally have been eating a strict paleo diet and taking omega 3 supplements for almost 3 years, which includes almond meal now and then, as well as other supposedly high PUFA foods, and recently I had a full blood panel in which my doctor proclaimed that I was the one of the healthiest 30-something year old females that she had ever seen. Furthermore, client upon client has walked into our gym, close to death with high triglycerides, pre-diabetic, and so on, and typically after only a few weeks of eating paleo (including almonds), these folks have completely turned their health around. So, being that my arteries and so many many many others seem free and clear of an obstructions at this point, I am going to continue my paleo diet as usual. With that said, thank you for your input, I always appreciate the opportunity to learn more.
I think you may be painting an overly dramatic picture here. For equal serving’s of almonds vs hazelnuts (approximately 1 cup) the PUFA content is ~ 4g for almonds, 2.6g for hazelnuts. We see a similar number for cashews. We can confirm this here:
Now let’s look at the INTENT of Sarah’s blog: To help as many people as possible live better, healthier lives. particularly if you have kids. From that perspective are we better served pointing out minor differences in PUFFA’s found in an alternate pizza crust that is an occasional offering, or helping folks to get the basics when they think they have no alternatives to traditional items like pizza? I’m by no means recommending that things get overly dumbed down, but both Sarah and myself earn a living by how effectively we can convey this information, empower and motivate people. I can talk over the top of most doctors and researchers…but that does not generate buy-in or change.
Let’s simply consider the practicality of your suggestion: Can I find hazelnut or cashew flour in the City of Chico, CA? No, I cannot. We are a bit of a back-water but we are nearly 100,000 people, have a Trader Joe’s and a few hippy co-ops. I did find 5 locations with Almond meal (2 Raleys supermarkets, both coops and Trader Joes). So, Sarah, a mother of 3, with as busy a schedule as anyone I know…should forego the relative convenience of easily available almond meal and…Grind her own hazelnut flour to avoid 1.5g of linoleic acid? Before we consider “Paleo 411” we must keep Paleo 101 clearly in mind: is it easy enough to do? Are the sacrifices worth it? Or do we obscure the process and make buy-in so onerous that folks go back to Top-Ramen and Wonder Bread?
BTW-It’s not my intention to be harsh but I frequently see commenters on Sarah’s blog take her to task for things like Planters Nuts or similar “infractions”. Perfect is the enemy of good. I;d rather see someone eat a bag of planters nuts with soy bean oil in it than a bagel. Similarly, how a message is delivered can go a long way in how it’s received.
I totally agree! I often have a significant difficulty getting patients to ‘buy in’. I’m currently working on a step-by-step approach to bridge the gap and work it in slowly.
I talk to my patients about a ‘spectrum of health’ where premature death is on the far left and optimal health is on the far right end. My goal is to get all of my patients as far to the right as possible. Everyone has different goals and they often don’t want to be as healthy as I want them to be. At that point I simply try to shift them to the right as far as I can.
To that end, I pick the biggest offenders and cut those out first (I have to prioritize!) – almost always gluten first.
I tend to be a perfectionist and that can definitely inhibit improvement. Regardless, thanks to all for the comments!
I have made this before in it’s original form (before adding olive oil and baking soda) and loved it. Can’t wait to try it with with O O and baking soda. There isn’t a topping in the world that isn’t delicious on this dish. Kids didn’t care for it so I made them a Gluten Free crust from Red Mill that they were ok with.
Thank you for this recipe. I had to pulse my own almond meal, but the crust baked nicely, smells great, and the rest of it is in the oven right now! I found that wetting my hands helped with smoothing the crust really flat–less sticking. Can’t wait until it comes out of the oven!
I’m making this tonight! I love making pizza and having my son help. I’m really excited to have a Paleo pizza! I can’t wait. I’m in the midst of a 30 Day Paleo challlenge with Natalie S. and we come to your site pretty regularly for dinner and lucnh ideas. I have been making Paleo dinners for my husband ( who is semi anti-paleo) and he has enjoyed everyone single dish. 🙂 Keep up the great work!
Awsome recipe! Have you tried it with coconut flour? I’m constantly being asked “what about pizza”, now I have something for them. And don’t sweat the nay-sayers and haters. You’re doing an amazing job! Keep up the great work.
Hi Adam – thank you so much for your support – and no I haven’t tried the crust yet with coconut flour – that would be interesting… I’ll have to give it a shot sometime. Thanks again!
Going to try this one as a pizza party and use some fellow Paleo Challenge folks as my guinea pigs 🙂
I found the whole PUFA vs MUFA thing interesting. I found an article that seems contradictory. It puts almonds in the MUFA category:
PUFA: Foods high in PUFA are liquid at room temperature. Foods high in PUFA include corn oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, walnuts, margarines made with high PUFA oils, and seafood.
MUFA: Oils high in MUFA are liquid at room temperature. Examples of foods high in MUFA are olives, olive oil, canola oil, peanuts, peanut oil, almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, macadamia nuts, pistachio nuts, and avocados. Eating foods high in MUFA will also help lower blood cholesterol, but does not lower HDL-cholesterol, the “good”cholesterol
Why would almond meal be any different than a plain old almond?
Hello again:)
I just finished eating this recipe as did my entire family and it was a HUGE hit!
My oldest daughter, who hates pizza, said I had finally managed to make a pizza she actually likes!
My youngest, a picky, picky eater, was a little skeptical of the whole thing but she ate it without much complaint other than there was no cheese pizza anywhere to be found.:)
We shall see how my husband likes it but other than him, everyone thought it was great!
I plan to use the crust as crackers and make substitutions for different flavors. Very yum!
First, (and I say this every time I post)…I LOVE your blog. These recipes are wonderful and are my lifeline to remaining Paleo….the variety that you provide is key. In addition from a cooking standpoint Paleo or not, I still think these recipes are awesome, convenient and wonderful for anyone who wants to save money, cook at home, and have great meals as a result. Please continue what you are doing, I am looking forward to your cookbook and many more yummy recipes to come.
Now to my question: do you saute the veggies before hand? Or do they go in raw and roast in the oven?
-Lindsay (CF Queens, NY)
Hi Lindsay, Thank you SO much for your continued support!! : ) I do not saute the veggie before hand, they just roast right in the oven! : ) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hey Sarah,
Made the pizza and it turned out wonderful! We substituted bacon for the sausage, although I did not cook it beforehand. We crumbled the bacon on top..cooked at 350 for 30 minutes, then 5 minutes at 400, then under the broiler for 3 minutes, the veggies were moist and roasted and the bacon was super crispy. I added some mushrooms and leeks, which worked wonderfully in addition to your veggie suggestions.
Yay success!
Lindsay, YUM!! : )
Made this tonight, loved it.
I have to try this recipe! Actually just got done having some ‘pizza’ crustless quiche muffins, but I am eager to try this recipe. 🙂
I’ve made paleo pizza before and have never had the crust come out right. I tried this recipe last night with my anti-paleo husband and he LOVED it!! And so did I, of course! This was great!
Okay, I’m loving the almond meal crust! I tried my first one with flax meal and it was (how do you say) nowhere as appealing and soft as this one … Ballin’ crust … Manly pizza (pastured hot italian sausage, nitrite free bacon, sliced shrooms, sliced olives, gluten free marinara, fire roasted maters, and a ball of … i admit not awesome … mozarella). Prepare for devastation!
Awesome Heath!!! : )
I just made this last night! It was completely fantastic. The crust holds up very well, remaining crispy despite being piled high with sauce, meat, and veggies 🙂 It’s actually a pretty good recipe for paleo crackers in general. Thanks!
Awesome Neil, so glad you liked it! : )
Pizza is my absolute favorite food and the one thing I knew I was going to miss the most. We made this last night, and I’ll take it! 🙂 Loved the crust, and the toppings made it even better (we modified a bit based on what we had available).
I really want to say thank you for posting all of these recipes. I love to cook and was having a hard time w/just eating steamed veggies and meat. These recipes have made it easier and delicious. We’re on week 3 of eating Paleo and can already see and feel the results! Thanks for everything you do & keep it coming! 🙂
Thank you so much for this. I have missed pizza and this was excellent!
so glad you liked the pizza Lacey!
I tried this recipe but my dough came out pretty hard, almost like a pie crust. Any suggestions?
I’ve been following your blog for about two weeks now as I prepared for Paleo. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I can honestly say that it isn’t as bad as I thought it would be! I’m enjoying this change in my lifestyle, and your blog is AMAZING. Excited to try this recipe tonight!
Thanks Danielle!!
Made the pizza tonight and it was yummy. I did find the crust a bit dry almost crumbling. Did I over cook or is that the texture? I did add cheese 🙂 Bacon (precooked), tomatoes, green peppers, onions and sauce. I will be making it again! Thanks for the recipes… can’t wait for you book
HI Corrie! Maybe overcooked it a bit but it’s pretty crumbly, you can’t pick it up and eat it like a “regular” pizza but it should still be tasty! I’m glad you liked it!! : )
Made it tonight. Turned out wonderful. Very tasty! Thank you Sarah. Anybody know where to get almond flour for cheap? I paid $10.50 for a 1lb bag. I used half on this one pizza, plus all the other ingredients, this pizza wasn’t cheap!
This is just a fantastic website and just what I need as far as balance is concerene re Paleo. It’sabout time as there are a lot out there who canfrighten the life out of me. I have a clean diet but do like to bake and cook Pizza etc but I am struggling because of all the scaremongering about oils to find one to bake with. I notivce you have used olive oil which would be my preference. In your opinion would you think that is ok to bake with a couple of times a week. My other option would have coconut oil but I really do have hang ups about Saturated fat still and tend to stick with fats that evryone agrees are good.
Hope this doesn’t sound too silly but I like your balanced liveable view as you sit somewhere in the middle.
I used your pizza crust recipe tonight for my 61-yr-old father and my two little boys ages 9 and 7. The SNARFED it down and said it was better than Papa Murphy’s (our previous favorite pizza that we ate at least once per week prior to Paleo). For my kids, I put drilled FRESH pineapple slices, all-natural Canadian bacon from my butcher, a LITTLE bit of fresh mozzarella cheese, and Trader Joe’s all natural marinara. This pizza crust recipe will be one that I will use a LOT for my children, to get them away from gluten more and more. THANK YOU!
Making this tonight, my son absolutely loves your recipes!
Thank you!!
We made this today and it was absolutely perfect, just like regular pizza. I heated the crust up until very firm and then put the toppings on and put in the oven on convection. Was sure the crust wasn’t going to be like bread, but it really was. Added a lot of garlic powder BTW and it really made it work. This is the real deal.
Made this Pizza, but I am alergic to tomatoes so I stay away from that. Instead I made it with a homemade basil pesto and chicken!!!! AAAAmazing! thanks for the post.
Pesto Recipe: 2 cups basil leaves, 1/2 cup EVOO, 1/3 walnuts, 3 garlic cloves minced, pepper to taste.
I love the way Robb defended you Sarah in last years posts. That is teamwork and I fully agree with him. I just bought your cookbook and even though my husband is still very very not onboard, he is supportive. He actually eats more Paleo than he thinks, (I just keep my mouth shut)! Because i very rarely cook the old stuff he loves, I cannot do it and stay strict Paleo so…I watch him cringe when I prepare dinner. He was not crazy about the Thai Curry Stew and thats ok, but he does like this pizza. So KUDOS to you, I make this at least once a week.
I am also bringing my daughter and her husband to the dark side, they have your book and are just getting started. Thank You for making this a tad but easier.
I made this last night with same crust. I roasted butternut squash, thinly sliced onion, peeled/cored apple I drizzled balsamic vinegar and olive oil and about a teaspoon of dried rosemary-400 until soft. I used this for my sauce (after I smashed it together) and topped with other roasted veggies and a little sausage. It was AWESOME!
WOW, that sauce you made sounds to die for! I will be trying that for sure, thanks for sharing!!
What if you are allergic to almonds – saw someone used coconut flour, is that sweet, what about garbonzo bean flour?
When I made this, I found the crust to be very sticky and not as thick as I think it should have been. Would adding more almond meal help with this?
So I’ve made this several times and am really happy with it. I spread it out on a full size baking sheet and it fills almost the whole thing, way more than 12″. Then I’m always shocked how much it puffs up, even the way too thin areas where I could see through to the pan. I never have rosemary around it seems, but have been adding dried Italian seasoning. Divine! Thank you for such a great recipe.
So glad you enjoy it!
I made this tonight and it came out great. I was so excited to have found this because pizza is one of my favorite foods and now I can enjoy it while eating paleo. Really looking forward to trying out more of your recipes.
AAAAMAZING! 🙂 Thank you so much, Ive been craving a paleo pizza. I made my first one last night, I made mine with a pesto/spinach sauce and tons of toppings! Delish!! 🙂
Made this this evening on a pizza stone and it stuck to it. :o( Any suggestions? We did oil the stone with some olive oil… I can see where this would be good as a cracker. It is definitely a lighter version/crust compared to the coconut flour pizza dough. The coconut flour pizza dough is very filling!
Wow, this was so good and it took me under an hour! I like this better than normal pizza and it doesn’t leave me with a heavy stomach. Thanks so much!
Made this last night and it was great. Cooked just the crust for 15 minutes at 425, added toppings, then another 10-12 minutes until the toppings were hot. Gotta keep your hands wet when spreading on the pan.
1 week into the paleo lifestyle change (I don’t consider it a diet), after a year of trying to out train a bad diet even with crossfit and your blog and recipes have allowed me to convert my entire house to a healthier lifestyle and show that food can be good for you and good tasting…the pizza was the clincher with my daughters…thank you…keep it up.
I have been following the Paleo lifestyle since January and have tried lots of recipes already. This has got to be one of my favorites so far. I used ground chicken, yellow squash, mushrooms, tomatoes and fresh basil on mine. Thank you for sharing Sarah :). I also tried your plantain chips and homemade guac :p yummy! Can’t wait to try more.
Am really excited to try this, BUT…….we have an egg white problem here. Could I use egg yolk and sub whites for, say a couple of egg replacer “eggs” or flax gel? Dont wanna mess up our gut/allergy situation. Thx
This is one of our favorites. It is so darn delicious!!
I just started paleo a little over two weeks ago and all I’ve been craving is pizza!!! I just made this to feed my bad habit and it was so good!!! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
This did not taste good. The crust was to much.
Hi, I had trouble with this. I am allergic to dairy, gluten, almonds (I used walnut flour) and eggs so I tried replacing the eggs with “flax eggs” which has worked GREAT in other paleo recipes as well as the walnuts (eg. muffins and waffles). I am not new to cooking or alternative recipes. I have been paleo for several months but I have been gluten free for years and I was raised by hippy, grow your own food and make everything from scratch, vegetarians. My problem, was the crust was too fluffy when I put it in the pan, then after cooking for 30 min it was crunchy on the outside but squishy on the inside. I went ahead and added the toppings and when they were done the crust was sopping wet and had no form. It was like a wet pizza casserole. Gross. I know it’s never going to be the thin Italian crust that I dream about but maybe you have some ideas as to how to get thinner, crispier and at least hold together! Thank you.
I’m not sure what to tell you because I have only made this the way I described and not with any other subs so I’m not sure how to make it by subbing out the almond meal or eggs. I have never used “flax eggs” either so I’m not experienced enough in that department to guess what might have gone wrong. I’m sorry!
This crust recipe is awesome! To make the crust flattening easier I put a piece of plastic wrap over the partially flattened dough and then use a pizza crust roller to flatten it out. Very easy and then you can just peel off the wrap and voila! I use this for pie crusts as well!
I agree with Alan…the crust is too much and after one slice its nut flour overload.
A great alternative is “Make it Paleo’s” pizza crust version as it is light and veggie (eggplant) and you can really enjoy the toppings without the overpowering heaviness of an almond flour crust.
My husband made this last night with “flax eggs”, since eggs make me sick. We topped with a roasted red pepper sauce had made, plus veggies and a little parmesan cheese. (I’m still having a hard time cutting out dairy!)
It was SO good. Crumbly, but good! It tasted so healthy, and in a “This is so amazingly good for you” way, not a “ick, health food” way!
Thanks for this recipe!
I made this tonight and loved it. I thought the crust was great. It was a little too wet so I added a bit of coconut flour, just enough to make it moldable, and rolled it out onto the pan about as thin as possible. It baked with no problems and was a lovely, nutty pizza crust when it came out, and not crumbly either. MMM Now I’m thinking of all the other things I could use it for! Fresh turkey and tomatoes sounds so good…Thanks! You
*Your site and recipes have made transitioning into Paleo about as easy as I could have hoped, and far more enjoyable. Thank you.
I’m trying as I type but the dough seems much wetter, stickier than anticipated….will let you know the outcome! (my eggs may be larger than recipe. (Smells good!)
How many calories would this pizza crust have?
I was curious if you had any nutrition information for this recipe. I was wondering about calories, fat, fiber, etc. Thanks! The recipe was delicious!!!
So excited to try this recipe as my friend stated it Rocks! But one question the Organic version of Trader Joes marinara sauce has Parmesan cheese and soybean oil. Am I missing something or did I buy the wrong thing, as those ingredients are not paleo. Still excited to try but would love to know if I purchased the wrong product.
Oh no!! The organic marinara that I used to buy from Trader Joes did not have ANY oil or cheese! I wonder if they have changed the ingredients lately?? I haven’t bought it in quite a while. I’m going there today to investigate so that I can change the information in this post if necessary. I’m so sorry!!!
I just made this pizza. Awesome. Had no issue with the crust. Thanks for sharing!
So glad you liked it, thank you!
I loved this! It was so delicious! Thank you for sharing.
I made this. It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever eaten.
Hi there! I’m actually trying this recipe now and have a question- did I do something wrong/miss a step? My crust seems a little burnt around the edges (I noticed after the first round of baking). I followed the directions carefully. Also, is the crust supposed to be somewhat sticky when you try to press it out across the pizza pan? I may have done something slightly wrong :-p thanks for the help!
I’m not sure Anjelica… I can reassure you that all paleo pizza crusts ARE tricky. Play with your oven temp and timings until it comes out just right!
I’m not sure Anjelica… I’m sure you followed the directions perfectly. I can reassure you that all paleo pizza crusts ARE tricky. Mine doesn’t burn, but I watch it pretty closely. Play with your oven temp and timings until it comes out just right! All the Best!
Wanted to like this. It did cook well and hold together well so it held up to some heavy toppings. However, it had the taste and consistency of a wheat cracker-dry and crumbly. The main problem with this is that this type of crust absorbs all the moisture from the toppings. I couldn’t even taste the pizza sauce, as it absorbed almost all of it during the baking process-and I put extra. Every bite seemed to make my mouth more dry. Maybe it would help to have a side of dipping sauce. I will say the kids thought it was ok. I won’t make again, however, as I divided this into small pieces(8 total) and with my hamburger, spinach, onion topping (no cheese) it still came to almost 400 calories per slice, and these slices are small and not filling. Not worth the calorie content for an ok food that left me hungry after 2 slices.
So sorry you didn’t enjoy this one. Fortunately, there are tons more free recipes around here to choose from. As for the calorie thing, counting calories is definitely not something we recommend, nor is it part of how we get results for our clients.
I made this pizza crust yesterday for supper. I added oregano,basil and thymn to the dough. It was delicious! I added all kinds of toppings and was delighted to see how the crust was firm and not soggy at all and didnt stick to the pan! We cut it into slices and it was great. After nearly a year of Paleo without pizza, this was very refreshing for my husband and I! Thanks! I believe this will become a part of the weekly routine and I will pass this on to other people I know 🙂
OMG! This pizza was AMAZING. I can’t believe it’s paleo. The crust is so tasty! I can’t wait to use the crust for other things, and make the pizza again!
This was so good! Pizza is my favorite food and I had a huge craving. I had leftover shredded chicken and added some kale and mushrooms. It was so good that I don’t think I want to go back to regular greasy pizza! Thank you!
so glad you enjoyed the pizza! : )
I’m coming to the party a little late, but I want to thank you for this recipe. I haven’t tried it yet, but I will–this coming Friday night. I’m just starting to shift toward paleo eating, and one of the things that has concerned me most is that it’s very important to my husband to continue his family’s childhood tradition of Friday night pizza. I didn’t think that would be possible with paleo, so I was trying to resign myself to doing as well as I could most of the time and just accepting that Friday nights would undo a lot of the work I’d done during the week. But maybe just maybe, with this recipe, Friday night can be both pizza night AND paleo night …
Thank you Deborah!! Also, you must check out the pizza recipe in my new book Everyday Paleo Around the World Italian Cuisine! Your family won’t even KNOW it’s paleo!!!! : )
I love rosemary. This is really good. I almost think I like it better than regular pizza. Thank you for sharing.
Can you freeze crust for making pizza later ? If so can u give suggestions on that ?
I made Greek pizza with your crust without rosemary herb. Really delicious! Thank you!
Can you make these bases and then freeze them for future use?
I just made this tonight and it was very good. A few things I did different were I made “cashew cheese” using cashews, coconut water, and a dash of garlic and blending them together until they formed a ricotta-like consistency and spread that over the top. Also, although I have a pizza stone, I tried baking it in a cast iron skillet and it came out great!
Great!! So glad you enjoyed it!!