More School Lunch Ideas and a Couple of Cool Cave Girls

If you haven’t already, you must pay a visit to these two cool cave girls at Cave Girl Cafe!  They are offering up paleo/gluten free themed greeting cards (I LOVE the bacon heart card) as well as coffee and travel mugs.  I’ve attached pics of the samples that they so graciously sent to me, but …

The Naked Factor is just a bonus… And a recipe (of course)!

Admittedly, I started eating paleo because I was tired of looking at my not so attractive nakedness in the mirror and I secretly and desperately wanted to be that hot mom in a bikini…..  Of course I was blind to the trillion other little health issues that plagued me; writing them off as normal.  I …

How Hot is YOUR Kitchen?? – Another cooking demo….

Apparently my kitchen gets so hot that my coconut oil gets, “liquid-y”…. Along with having a lot of fun with our cooking demos, I am also inventing new words, and if anything, giving my family yet another reason to laugh at me!! In this demo we make Savory Cauliflower Fried Rice, Pork Chops, and my …