In this demo I made ground lamb and pressure cooked pumpkin. I could not come up with a name for this dish so if any of you have suggestions, post your recipe name ideas to comments and I’ll let my boys pick the winner!
More School Lunch Ideas and a Couple of Cool Cave Girls
If you haven’t already, you must pay a visit to these two cool cave girls at Cave Girl Cafe! They are offering up paleo/gluten free themed greeting cards (I LOVE the bacon heart card) as well as coffee and travel mugs. I’ve attached pics of the samples that they so graciously sent to me, but …
Bedtime Blueberries…
I’m tired as I type which reminds me to remind you that getting adequate sleep is more important than anything you might accomplish by staying up too late working on what “must” get done. If we deprive ourselves of precious recovery time, life simply becomes less enjoyable as we continue to burn out emotionally and …
The Naked Factor is just a bonus… And a recipe (of course)!
Admittedly, I started eating paleo because I was tired of looking at my not so attractive nakedness in the mirror and I secretly and desperately wanted to be that hot mom in a bikini….. Of course I was blind to the trillion other little health issues that plagued me; writing them off as normal. I …
Meat n’ Veggies
I have an on going nightly discussion with my 15 year old that goes something like this. “Hey mom, what’s for dinner?” Me, “I don’t know, probably meat and veggies?” My 15 year old, “Duh, I’m not sure why I even ask?” And then we both laugh. Eating paleo is just that, meat and veggies, …
Meat n' Veggies
I have an on going nightly discussion with my 15 year old that goes something like this. “Hey mom, what’s for dinner?” Me, “I don’t know, probably meat and veggies?” My 15 year old, “Duh, I’m not sure why I even ask?” And then we both laugh. Eating paleo is just that, meat and veggies, …
School Lunch and a Trader Joe’s Find
I have had a couple requests for more school lunch ideas. I posted one on my Facebook page a few weeks ago, which I have also added to this post, along with another picture of a common school lunch for my boys. I also had a blog reader email me about a pre-seasoned salmon that …
School Lunch and a Trader Joe's Find
I have had a couple requests for more school lunch ideas. I posted one on my Facebook page a few weeks ago, which I have also added to this post, along with another picture of a common school lunch for my boys. I also had a blog reader email me about a pre-seasoned salmon that …
Everyday Paleo Pizza
Last year a trainer friend of mine at Norcal turned me on to paleo pizza made with almond meal crust. Although I like this pizza and the crust works, I wanted to find a way to make the crust DELICIOUS, rather than just a vessel for the pizza toppings. With a few tweaks to the …

Simple and Seasonal
Our ancestors ate what was available based upon the seasons and in my part of the world the summer season is the most bountiful and wonderful time to take advantage of what’s growing near you. I made a yummy breakfast this week with organic seasonal vegetables, all purchased from our local farmers market (except the …