I have had a few people comment about breakfast options that do not include eggs. I know some folks never get tired of eating eggs, I being one, but I do think it’s important to have a lot of variety in our paleo diets. With that being said, here are some suggestions to scramble things …

Puerto Rican Beef
I was raised by a health nut, foodie mother who was as adventurous in life as she was in the kitchen. My mom spent several summers in Mexico learning to speak Spanish, and coincidentally helped to fuel my love for the flavors! Years later, I marry John – who’s father comes from Spanish decent and …
Holy Cow – People are Listening!!
I am feeling optimistic, I feel as if People Are Listening!! I can go into Raley’s, Trader Joe’s, and now Costco and find various offerings of grass fed beef, free range bison, and free range organic chicken! I no longer feel like an underground cult member, looking and longing for my next fix of beef …

A Cool New Blog, and a Cooking Demo – Albondigas Soup!!
As you all know we are raising a paleo family; ultimately hoping to avoid disease and most importantly wanting to pass the gift of health and longevity down to the most important people in out lives, our children. Parenting is the hardest job one will ever have, and yet, parents work hard to do what …
School Lunch and a Trader Joe's Find
I have had a couple requests for more school lunch ideas. I posted one on my Facebook page a few weeks ago, which I have also added to this post, along with another picture of a common school lunch for my boys. I also had a blog reader email me about a pre-seasoned salmon that …
School Lunch and a Trader Joe’s Find
I have had a couple requests for more school lunch ideas. I posted one on my Facebook page a few weeks ago, which I have also added to this post, along with another picture of a common school lunch for my boys. I also had a blog reader email me about a pre-seasoned salmon that …
News, My Kid vs. the Food Pyramid, Easy Steak Skewers and Avocado Dressing
First off – some exciting news – I am writing a book which is scheduled to be released hopefully in February!! The book will of course include recipes as well as advice for paleo beginners and diehards alike. Look forward to information on how to get started, how to stay on track, how to shop, …

Simple and Seasonal
Our ancestors ate what was available based upon the seasons and in my part of the world the summer season is the most bountiful and wonderful time to take advantage of what’s growing near you. I made a yummy breakfast this week with organic seasonal vegetables, all purchased from our local farmers market (except the …
My Arugula Obsession…
I am mildly obsessed with arugula so I will hammer my love of arugula home with one and final arugula recipe – for a while anyway. This salad has similar components to my favorite “go to” chicken salad but with the yummy smokey addition of arugula and a few other ingredients.