I thought I would start this post by sharing a fun picture of the Fragoso family hanging out together…..

It’s been a while since I have done a Day in the Life blog and a reader recently requested I outline what a typical eating day looks like for us, so here it goes!I’m going to take you along with me for last Thursday’s meals, which is typically one of my busier days thanks to after school kid stuff and other obligations that leave me running round like a mad woman.
We should start where every morning SHOULD start, and that’s of course with breakfast! Pictured is my not so breakfast like breakfast but I for one could care less about what my breakfast looks like, just as long as it tastes good and has enough protein and fat to get me through until lunch. Â I made bacon and scrambled eggs for the boys – but they ate it all of course so I ate some left over ground beef that we had the night before for lettuce tacos topped with some of my favorite Purple Cabbage Slaw, and some guacamole.

I made Jaden’s lunch which consisted of nitrate free roast beef wrapped around broccoli slaw, some slices of fuyu persimmons, a Lara Bar, and some purple cabbage.
My lunch that I shared with Rowan was leftover roasted delicata squash which I roasted just like the butternut squash, along with beets roasted the same way and stir fried beet greens and some leftover chicken which is not pictured.
For dinner I made a delicious and easy pot roast that I threw in the crockpot before taking the boys to school. Â Here’s the recipe
Cabbage Roast
1 beef chuck pot roast
1 yellow onion, sliced
10 garlic cloves
1 head green cabbage, sliced
6-7 thyme branches
1 cup chicken broth
Sea salt and black pepper
Sprinkle the pot roast all over with salt and pepper and sear in a skillet on all sides until brown (about 4 minutes per side). While the roast is searing, cut up the onion and place in the bottom of the slow cooker along with whole garlic cloves.  Slice up an entire head of green cabbage and set aside.  Once the roast has seared, place on top of the onions and garlic in the slow cooker, put the thyme branches on top of the roast, cover the roast with the cabbage, and add the chicken stock.  Cook on  low for 8 hours or until the meat is falling apart.
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As you can tell from this post, we rely a lot on leftovers, planning ahead, our slow cooker, and taking the time to cook real food. Â Yes we are busy, but we try to make it a priority to never be too busy or distracted to be healthy. Â I used to be miserable, unhealthy, and sick and although now I spend more time in the kitchen or planning our meals than I used to, I have MORE time to be productive in other areas of my life because I have the energy and good health that allows me to do so. Â Is it hard? Â Heck yes but totally worth it!
Thanks so much for sharing your life and being honest (of course the boys ate it all) LOL! That is true life!! But you adapted and so can we!! I love your lunch ideas. It is important to keep eating the right foods and you keep motivating me in the right direction.
Your pot roast looks amazing! Thanks for the recipe. I’m definitely going to have to make that this week.
This is fabulous. Thanks for sharing. What a great family photo!!!
We just realized this weekend that between the kids and I, we made every meal we ate the last month, minus two when we ate at Chipotle. (This has been one of the busiest months ever for us.) Everyone has been completely satisfied. We used the crock pot a lot and when we had a free morning, we prepared soups for snacks and lunches. Plus, we bought Thermos for everyone. With these we can heat up leftovers and take lunch with us. Plus, as we travel this week, we know we will have a delicious meal waiting for us! Happy Thanksgiving Sara. I am so thankful I found this blog this year!
This pic of you and your family is amazing! You are an inspiration, thanks for showing me the kind of mom I want to be!
I love the design of your new website! I can’t wait until your new book comes out. When is it gonna be available?
Hi Nom Nom, My book is scheduled to be released February 22nd. I’ll keep updating as the time approaches. I’m glad you like the new look of the site!! : )
Awe, thanks for taking my request:)
My Pleasure Tracey!! If people like these posts, i’ll try and do one once a month or more!
I LOVE this type of post! Please do more like this. It really helps me get ideas and stay motivated. I have been mostly paleo for about a year and a half and am transitioning my two kids to paleo, but sometimes I fall off course because it is easier than trying new things. But every time I fall off course, I feel yucky! Your blog really helps me stay motivated and helps me remember WHY I am doing this. Thanks!
I just wanted to thank you for doing these cooking demos. I have been trying to do Paleo for 6 months. I am not really a cook, so always get overwhelmed when I have the receipes. I have also used my small kids as an excuse for not doing Paleo. So the realness of your videos has really inspired me to give it a shot. I am going to do it next week. Thank you so much !
Hello, I was thinking of switching out the cabbage for Trader Joe’s southern mix, what do you think? Will i need to make any adjustments for the liquids?
Love your blog by the way
Hey Skinny Dude! I think you’ll be fine just subbing out the southern mix for the cabbage, no need to adjust the liquid! : )
Hola Sarah!
Great freakin’ site! (just started going paleo 3 days ago. I’m a bit tired which should pass sometime soon but my stomach already feels better! Big thanks to Robb’s book — and looking forward to getting yours! 😉 wink winkz…).
Regarding the family picture…..I couldn’t help but notice you got a “strongman” in the family (your husband).
I’m curious….I see what you feed your kids, but what the heck does HE eat!?!!?!? 🙂
Have a great week!
Hey Mike! Yes, my husband is a strong dude for sure!! He eats just like we do but just a lot more of it! More carbs for him post workout in the form of yams, fruit, and winter squash when it’s in season. And more protein than me for sure!! : )
Hi Sarah,
I enjoy your blog and your recipes inspire me to be creative in my own cooking as well. I’m also digging into this paleo lifestyle and diet but I’d say I’m more primal. I also blog about it and most of my dishes are Asian inspired since I grow up with Asian dishes and actually a lot of Asian dishes are not that hard to convert to paleo/primal as long we removed the soy sauce/oyster sauce etc. I hope you could find sometime to check out some recipes that I’ve came up with 🙂
Hi Jos!! I’ll for sure check out your site, thanks for letting me know about it! : )
Can you please tell me what containers you use to pack your kids lunches, i love the food ideas but would also love to not pack ours in plastic bags! Thanks so much for EvErytHing!î„…
love the family photo.