Hello dear friends! I made a guest appearance on The Paleo Solution Podcast over the weekend with Robb Wolf and Andy Deas. I had such an awesome time answering listeners questions so if you have a chance, check it out here. My time with Robb and Andy is a preview of sorts of what topics and questions I will be answering during my future podcasts with Chrissy Gower of Growing Up Paleo.
Now a recipe!
Today I made tomato soup for lunch and topped it with some left over diced chicken breast alongside some left over roasted beets, carrots, and kale. The veggie recipe I made was the same as this one, minus the shrimp. I loved how the soup turned out and plan to make it again as a side dish or by adding in some meatballs next time!!
Creamy Tomato Soup
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 red onion, finely diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 14.5 oz cans of organic diced tomatoes
1 can coconut milk
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon dried thyme
Black pepper to taste
In a large soup pan, saute the onion in 1 tablespoon of the coconut oil until the onions start to turn brown. Add the garlic and saute for another minute or two. In a food processor combine the 2 cans of diced tomatoes and the cooked onion and garlic mixture and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture back into the soup pot. Add the coconut milk, and spices and bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes and serve! Serves 3-4.
That looks so good, and so easy. I love creamy tomato soup but never buy the canned stuff anymore. And adding the leftover chicken is just genius! I need to buy a food processor though… I am putting it on my list with a pressure cooker.
looks great! I have been looking for a good recipe for my kids.
My 13 yr. old daughter loves tomato soup, and since I’m still in the “conversion” process (listening to the podcast and feeling even more inspired) it will be a nice addition to our family’s menu. I’m loving the tips for families and kids (we have 4, ranging from 6 to 17). It’s quite an adventure (my cynical eldest is finding herself automatically avoiding grain products and my 13 yr. old defended my choice to not serve rice with our Paleo Stir-Fry last night). Today I sent both my boys off to school with “Paleo” lunches! In theory it seemed “difficult”, in practice…easy and practical. Thank you for all the great tips!
Hi Erin – so great to hear! Awesome!
I dont have a food processor, do you think a blender would get the job done?
Hi Andrea,
I think a blender will work just fine!
Sounds great!
I will try to make this soup next week.
I’m eating Paleo for 3 months now and I love to read your site.
Yesterday I made your quick curry soup.
Greetings from the Netherlands
Hi Marye! So glad you enjoyed the curry soup, let me know how the tomato turns out for you! We loved it… : )
Sarah, what brand of coconut milk do you use? I can’t find any here locally without guar gum except for one brand, but then it has so many preservatives in it. I wonder if there is a brand I could find online?
Hi Penny! I use the Chao Koh brand of Thai canned coconut milk. Here’s a link to a page where you can order this brand and a few other with optimal ingredients. You can also buy Chao Koh from most major grocery stores. http://importfood.com/cfch1301.html
Where can I find the recipe for the eggs in muffin tins that you referred to in your podcast and that are in the pics on your blog?? They look perfect for my hubby who gets up at 3am for work! Would love to make them ahead of time for him. Thanks!!
Hi Kerin! Here’s the link! http://everydaypaleo.com/2010/03/24/egg-cupcakes/
Thank you so much!
This soup was SO good! I added another can of drained diced tomatoes (I liked the added texture and the extra tomato taste) and it was a perfect meal with the diced chicken. Even my husband, who says he hates tomato soup, tried a bowl and thought it was delicious. I had been home sick all day with an upset stomach and the ability to put something warm and creamy with no dairy cream side effects was the perfect way to make myself feel better.
Next recipe to try – your Paleo pizza! My husband decided to try a 30-day Paleo challenge with me for the month of January (no open meals, etc.) Now that he understands he doesn’t have to give up his favorite types of food (wings and beer aside) to eat healthy, he’s been looking up all sorts of recipes on your site so he can try his hand at them 🙂 Thanks, Sarah!
Hi Chelsea, I love it!! Let me know how things go for the hubby and I hope you are feeling better. : )
I made this soup last night and had a hard time restraining myself from eating the whole pot! This was wonderful…and super easy even without a food processor (I have a magic bullet). Can’t wait to make this again with different flavor combos–fire roasted tomatoes or adding a squeeze of orange to the original recipe… 🙂 Thank you for creating inspiring meals!!
Hi Jessica,
I like the fire roasted tomato idea, I’ll have to try that! I was also thinking of adding fresh basil next time. : )
Hi Sarah,
I just wanted to say your time hanging with Robb and Andy was fantastic. I have been following them for a yr or so now. Having said that I am just starting my transition to Paleo now and even though I know “how it works” your help with practical application is so good! Can’t wait to get into the Podcast.
That really was a long winded way of saying thank-you and keep up the good work. As well I just wanted to say like any others my wife is not on board but I am determined to just keep going and hopefully she will come around.
Hi Brenden,
Thanks so much! : ) I’m sure that once your wife sees how great you are feeling and how awesome the food actually is that she’ll come around!
it’s that time of year when I could eat soup any time of day!! This one sounds like another winner.
Your chicken chili soup recipe has become a staple around here and we made a big pot of it yesterday from the left over roasted chicken (and bones-we made stock too!) anyway, I had a can of chopped tomatos with chilis and threw that in with it and it was SOOO good!
Hi Sarah! I am just starting my transition into Paleo. I have started with your recipes and they are so delicious! I am trying to get all the info I can on this healthy lifestyle. Thank you for all the information you provide for everyone and everyone’s input too. I am a 39 yr old mother of twin boys (almost 5) and was very tired of the way I looked and felt. My best friend had told me about you and your website and I look forward everyday for something new. I live in Canada now and I am looking forward for all the farmers markets to open up in the spring/summer time. Thank you again, I am truly inspired!!
I cannot wait to try this! I’ve been wanting tomato soup and your recipe looks delicious! My family and I are on day 4 of our Paleo journey and I absolutely love your recipe ideas. I went today and purchased the ingredients to make your Paleo Apple Muffins. Thank you for sharing!
Hey Sarah,
Congrats on the first podcast! I’m downloading it and the new Paleo Solution one right now, hopefully get to listen to them with Noni over the weekend – I’m sure you’ll be great!
Awesome Adam, thank you so much!
LOVED the tomato soup!!! Perfect recipe!
I just made this soup for dinner with chicken burgers. I’m a horrible cook which is why I rely on people like Sarah. 🙂 This soup was awesome! I used 1 can fire roasted and 1 can diced tomatoes. I also added fresh basil. It is so yummy! Thank you!!
Thank you sooo much Sarah!!
We’ve been playing with Paleo for a couple of months now. It’s been hard for me because most of the Paleo peeps are guys; so they were providing ‘Manly’ recipes. As a stay-at-home-mom I kinda felt like I couldn’t connect… While I love the idea behind Paleo, we’ve been dragging our feet. Until today. My hubby turned on the podcast in the car while we ran errands with our 5 year old in the backseat. She is usually very talkative, but today she sat quietly listening to your conversation with Robb and Andy…. I did too!! On our way home she asked if she could clean out the pantry when we got home to get rid of the ‘unhealthy’ stuff, she was ready to eat Paleo. ??!!?? My husband was elated!! And for the first time, I felt this might be doable. Thank you!! You truly are an inspiration!! (and I’ve already ordered your book….lol!!!)
Wow Carrisa – so cool! Thank you so much and I’m so happy to hear that my podcast held the attention of your 5 year old – I wish I had the same calming affect on my own kids! LOL!!
Sara! Can’t wait to hear the podcast, I’m only as far as the introduction. Its taken me 2 days to get this far thanks to my two kids!! wanted to ask you about supplements, ( maybe you discuss this in the podcast) I’m still nursing my 9 month old, but not as much as before, pre-solids. I suspect ive become more lactose intolerant, as well as my decision to go gluten free. Do you have suggestions for calcium supplementation? Maybe I should have e-mailed? 🙂
I had friends over for dinner and made this soup. The pot was dry at the end of the night. I loved it so much that I made a second pot the next day. My son LOVES it and had two bowls before it was really finished! The second pot is already gone after one day. I love this soup and can’t wait to make a thrid pot. I think this time I will double the recipe! Thanks for yet another delicious recipe.
Awesome Stacy!! : ) Thank you!
I really enjoyed the Podcast with Robb and Andy. I look forward to reading your book. I’m a 95% Paleo, however it has been tricky getting my wife and 3 kids (12yrs, 2.5yrs and 16 months) to embrace Paleo fully(they are eating Weston Price, which is still better than SAD). I think your book will help the family go paleo. thanks!
Hi Josh, Thank you so much and good luck with the family!! : )
I made this soup tonight and loved it!
Taking the leftover soup to work tomorrow.
Hello! A friend of mine asekd if I wanted to do a 7 day Paleo diet challenge. We both currently eat a dairy/gluten-free diet, so it shouldn’t be too challenging, but I am very nervous about it because I like to have sweets every now and then. It seems sweets are limited on this diet. 🙁 My question is can I or can I not have butter on this diet? I am not getting a straight answer on this it seems. I was thinking of cutting up apples and putting butter and cinnamon on it. Is that Paleo-friendly?! 🙂 Thanks!
This looks really good! Off to make it now 🙂
I normally love your recipes, but this one went awry for me. I suspect it was in the fact that I’m pining away for a vita-mix. I just couldn’t quite get this to blend to my satisfaction. It remained quite chunky and the color was very pink, not the red in your photos. I managed to eat it anyways (even though it did look, quite frankly, like puke) and luckily, the flavor was not lost! I’m gonna keep eating on it, and in the meantime, mention once again to my fiance how much I NEED a vitamix.
Hey there,
Just after making this soup now and am still in the process of eating it, but i have to say it is fantastic so easy to make. Its going on the lunch menu.
Amazing! I wasn’t sure it could compare to the roasted tomato and basil soup I often make but not only was this as great, it was way faster to make 🙂 Forgot to add the chicken I had, but even without it’s a great recipe, thank you!!